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The female boss face warm smile, Qin Tianzong secretly relieved ,he was back in the family medicine shop ,not the shop of medicinal species of the most complete ,but because the store is the cheapest medicines ,and the boss service attitude .
relationresultYou knowjust Qin days if continuous around a dozen Chinese herbal medicine shop ,not a drug store owner to give him a good face, sometimes he even didn cross over threshold will be store man cried out .
relationresultIfwant to know a city status rul elixir ,lest make shock the common customs matters,www.buybeatsbydrdreheadphone.com, thereby to cause unnecessary trouble ,Qin days if not tirelessly around all of the herbal medicine shop .
relationresultBoss ,I will fire a burst of rattan ,spirit fruit three ,LAN-STAR grass two two ... ... Qin days if towards the female boss with a brilliant smile ,quickly reported out of what he needs .
relationresultQindays if standing in the doorway was reported out a channeling medicine name and number ,a young woman from the stand there, even no response ,she thought that the Qin days if at least in their own shops and a visit to speak of Chinese medicines on it .
relationresultBoss ,do you have any problems ,I remember your shop should have several medicinal materials . See a female boss standing in the doorway did not stir ,Qin days if asked suspiciously .
relationresultOh ,there is ... ... Yes. I will fetch you ! Qin Tianzong was awakened by a discourse ,Hongxia climbed up the young woman ,hurriedly left a word ,immediately ran to the cabinet there take medicine to go .
relationresultA few minutes later,Qin talented hands has a few bags in medicine ,and he also without thinking the sachet money all out to a female boss ,and then hurried away medicine shops .
relationresultHey ... ... The young woman would greet Qin days if a sound ,let him wait a minute walk .relationresultBut whena young woman counted over their white crystal currency ,her little mouth is slightly open, and swallowed up the following discourse ,because Qin Tianzong gave her white crystal currency with medicinal value without a little discrepancy .
relationresultThe boy what he did to all kinds of herbal origin ,so familiar ? Deep look Qin days if lost direction ,the young woman was curious look on his face .relationresultTo know theshop each kind of medicinal material price is not the same ,Qin days if an hour before the young woman to glance over things hurriedly to sweep over an hour later ,not only remember the young woman shops in which medicinal material ,but also can accurately remember each medicinal material price ,the memory is too amazing .
relationresultThe fourth chapter order increasing agent , relationresultQin Tianzongcould not take into account the young woman on his curiosity ,he completely immersed in the excitement .. , relationresultOnce anelixir for refining elixir master ,Qin Tianzong has a kind of almost crazy perseverance ,rebirth after him, is looking forward to his first medicine results .
relationresultTo understanda city of hope pharmacists about Rui strength, Qin days if their full of confidence ,although Qin Tianzong now because of capacity constraints cannot be produced higher order panacea ,but he knows his own refining agent is enough to dominate the entire city and rul .
relationresultThebest medicine auxiliary ,quality upgrading or problem ?relationresultAfter the governmentback to Qin ,Qin days if the first time they want kitchen drill ,but when he saw the door open backyard ,he not by frowned .
relationresultQindays if and only Cheng aunt a servant, as the house had anything, but don ,it is not possible to enjoy Qin talented siblings treatment .relationresultTurned andwent into his bedroom ,Qin days if moved a few chairs placed into the yard ,and then on the ground at random put a stone ,it just relieved .
relationresultYou won someone going broke in ! Look over your hand arrangement method, Qin vertical-day nodded with satisfaction ,then unable to hold oneself back into the kitchen .relationresultGee .
.. ... The figure of Qin Tianzong just disappears ,a grey old man appeared in the backyard, but he left after the two step, but stopped ,face showed surprise .relationresultItis a spacious courtyard ,but falls on the old man was a precipitous rock faces and sheer cliffs ,old man settled place just a palm-sized stones ,as long as the slightly move the footsteps, will fall into the abyss .
relationresultRao isthe old practice of deep, his forehead with a fine or oozing sweat ,then he quickly closed his eyes ,a good move ,he steps toward the door ,until you get out of the back yard ,he was with great care to open your eyes .
relationresultFortunately, this method is not complex ,or to make a fool of yourself today ! Safely out of the large array ,the grey and old it found himself back chill .relationresultJusta little time ,the grey man vest was drenched to the skin .
relationresult,you must immediately told this message ! Soon ,he was big grey man ,immediately north yard .relationresultBrother ,what are you so scared ? Qin Houde saw has been experienced and steady steward should face to sweat ran into his study ,he asked in surprise .
relationresultAlso at this time,the grey and old man found in the study in addition to Qin Houde ,there is another person, he looked at the people ,is the new home that Ling home main Ling Lebai ,grey and old nasal croon a sound ,he stood aside without speaking .
relationresultQin brother ,since you have something ,then I will no longer bother ,I just mentioned things ,also please consider ,I wait for the good news . See the grey man of his attitude ,Ling Lebai embarrassed laugh, immediately rose to leave .
relationresultQin Houde Wenyanpolite one ,immediately ordered the servant outside guest ,but his body is not to move .relationresultBrother ,Ling Lebai that old man to do? The grey man ,also is the Great Steward of Qin Fu Qin Tong asked sympathetically .
relationresultHis mind what do you think, since his brother after the death of Ling Letian ,he wanted to climb the Zheng family high branches . Qin Houde had trouble in this matter, I naturally without good tone , if the Ling Jiazhen with Zheng family alliance ,the home of the Qin Dynasty in a city situation is worrying the rul .
, relationresultAtotal of three Rui City family ,respectively is the Zheng family ,house ,home of Qin ling .relationresultBecause ofZheng two congenital strong company, so the Zheng family holds a Rui City discourse right ;and only one congenital Qin realm overmatch ,also managed a deterrent effect ;Ling home since two years ago after the fall of the congenital ,become thoroughly the Zheng family and home of the Qin Dynasty with lining ,day have a hard day .
relationresultQinTong natural understand Qin Houde heart worry ,he in the side of a channel: Qin Ling home has been the alliance, and best wishes that child is still home to Ling Ling Phyl engagement relationship ,you can make him evil to succeed ! , relationresultLing Ling death, Lebai lost in confusion, short-sighted he know how Ling home only with Qin joint is the survival of the road ?As for the talented with the engagement of Ling Feier ,if talented with his father half of my words ! , relationresultQin Houde said this,his face sad look ,his mind is also reminiscent of the Qin once your genius ,in his twenties then entered the innate realm ,is very likely to become the Wu Ling mainland peak exists, unfortunately ,the evildoer genius seventeen years ago threw Qin two children will disappear completely ,the two child is Qin talented siblings .
relationresultHing battle Master qualification is the evildoer ,but days if not we think it over ... ... Qin Tong see Qin Houde Qin Tianzong to bring the father sigh look ,he is also a sigh ,put yourself inadvertently see the scene told Qin Houde . Related articles:

