
Beats By Dr Dre Studio ee such case Zu Ho

Maybe not ,but if you can conquer large black country ,must have enough . Ancestor Chang was very mysterious country main xuanbing words light saying .For power ,Zu Hongjun was not interested in at all ,but to fight for the avenue ,exploration ,Zu Hongjun is very persistent ,previously in the Pangu Sunday world, not worthy of his shot ,so Zu Hongjun will play so indifferent, but now the disc world ,it is many powerful figure, it is brought back Zu Hongjun battle y ù,eager for a war .
relationresultBigblack main xuanbing listened to Zu Hongjun s èacold face ,suddenly is burst into anger ,previously his words ,is a little weak point ,he had to surrender disc country plans, after all our strength as well as disc Pangu God strength is more than he can resist ,if one against the words ,to the end only to be killed off ,as well as to compromise ,later will be in order to stage a comeback ,and he also did not want war with Zu Hongjun ,after all, the same as the Immortal Emperor realm ,once shot, the result is not so simple ,they are likely to cause destruction to both sides ,and this is not a big mysterious country main xuanbing desired results .
relationresultThen theblack country main is to compliment Zu Hongjun words ,and then express their willing to surrender disc plan ,but did not think Zu Hongjun is unexpectedly not to know chalk from cheese ,say such words ,which makes large black country anger burned up ,he was as master of the state ,to condescend to simple men .
Weidaozu Gong Chang ,this is so mysterious country advocate feel shame ,did not think that Zu Hongjun was still ungrateful ,back out of a large black country to conquer ,how can this make big black country main ice not angry ?While the face s èfreezinglarge black country main cold saw Zu Hongjun said , want to conquer my big black country ,it depends on how you have this ability, light is to say is of no use .
, relationresultAlthoughto a level of the people against the Immortal Emperor ,because even win, that will also be Pyrrhic victory ,but also not to be able to kill each other ,want to know the weather in China but hung Chang disk hot degree is still large ,Yang Feng ,and Yang Feng could not ,promoted to the immortal emperor realm ,so even if he is killed in the hand ,Yang Feng ,so also will not have much trouble ,but the promotion of the Immortal Emperor Zu Hongjun is not the same as the Immortal Emperor ,but a country power, general and inferior country but only a master of the state is the strength of the Immortal Emperor ice ,so if he killed ancestor Chang ,then he will not have a way out ,it will certainly be very God of hunting .
relationresultOnlylarge Bfibre main ice is really not swallow this tone, though not to kill Zu Hongjun ,but also to the hard lessons about the Chang ,then the black country main ice of a hand ,the palm of the hand in a statue of the writing, the statue of the writing four four square ,crystal, carved with nine dragons and the land, every one of the above conditions around ,which exudes a very horrible breath ,this is the big black country advocate make an artifact, the grade is already reached the top grade artifact peak realm ,just in time, is to be promoted to nonesuch artifact level .
relationresultJust want topromote imperial artifact is really too difficult, that between heaven and Earth Sky artifact is only then two respect only, is a very big one ,another is to check the seventy-two country song of China the main Fukui has a ,left the highest is the top grade artifact peak level .
This statue is called Kowloon document writing, is a large black country main exhausted all day can Po refining ,and temperature raise millions of years of evolution ,which can have today such degree ,and got hold of Kowloon jade seal against Zu Hongjun ,but it is big black country wanted test way the strength of Zu Hongjun .
relationresultHoweverit is in the black country main a hand out Kowloon seal ,Zu Hongjun is also a hand ,hand appeared a piece of jade certificate ,it is natural to Zu Hongjun creation of jade certificate ,which in nature on the jade certificate comes out of the atmosphere is actually and mysterious country main hand Kowloon jade seal be roughly the same ,is the top grade artifact peak realm ,it makes big black country advocate feel very surprised ,the Zu Hongjun that rise over a long period of time ,how could he have a top grade artifact peak artifact .
?This also is really angry ?Big black main hate hate to think .relationresult , relationresultThe 1393rd chapter ancestor of Granville ( in) , relationresultBigblack main thick ice was trying to use their own hands the top grade artifact at Kowloon seal check Zu Hongjun strength ,but didn Zu Hongjun was also took out a piece of merchandise artifact peak artifact ,which made the big black country advocate feel very angry ,want to know his God device but Hu ā cost himcountless painstaking effort and time to reach this level, and Zu Hongjun rise time but is also in these three thousand or four thousand years, can have a such that the top grade artifact ,and still peak realm Shangpin artifact ,which is too angry .
relationresultBut the bigblack main thought, this may be the Pangu God give Zu Hongjun ,otherwise ,Zu Hongjun could have such a top grade artifact peak magic ?Big black main think it can be hypothesized to be extremely likely ,but it is really so ,then there is also a lack of fear ,because if Zu Hongjun hands of the artifact is Pangu God reward ,then in such a short period of time ,Zu Hongjun is not possible with this summit peak artifact fit very perfect ,that is to say Zu Hongjun will not be able to put the top peak artifact power to maximize ,know even he Xuan the hand of the Lord the Kowloon jade seal ,is his own refining ,but fit process was in use for nearly one hundred thousand years .
relationresultSelfcomfort after a big black country ,main is nothing more polite remarks, directly or can be in the hands of Kowloon to air on throw seal ,the seal is on the rise suddenly ,wind ,in the twinkling of an eye is changed for a star that is large, the carving of the Nine Dragons is the time to live here, in the vast the seal on the back of the swimming ,exudes unparalleled coercion ,and this writing in Kowloon changes into a star size, is directly toward Zu Hongjun suppressed the past ,thunder sound noise came, with the Kowloon seal mobile ,it around the void continuous crushing ,surrounding the star is also a burst from the writing on them ,Kowloon is how strong .
relationresultAndsee such case ,Zu Hongjun is not resigned to playing second fiddle ,direct is the nature jade certificate throw ,also wind up, in the blink of an eye is also changing into a star size ,lie in between heaven and earth, and the creator of jade certificate a change was directly into a long bridge ,below ground in Longbridge ,and wind and other world element is surging ,also sends out inexhaustible coercion ,but also to the Kowloon jade seal has been hitting a road ,path, also are the stars a burst ,a pair of end .
relationresultOnly the blink of an eye,Zu Hongjun nature and mysterious country jade certificate is the Kowloon seal impact together ,rumbling noise issue ,both impact energy emitted is released ,again will be a star of oblivion, and striking together nature jade certificate and nine Long Yuxi is a separate ,resolved rotating a toward the rear receded, the impact is actually be well-matched in strength ,it seems no matter is the good fortune of jade certificate or Kowloon seal is not getting any of the cheap ,but see such case ,Zu Hongjun and big black country advocate is a hand ,dr dre beats,will each artifact back . Related articles:

