
Monster Beats outh wild intent

, during this period, Jun Tian Yan Yi et al and captured and killed hundreds of into the south wild intent on conscious of repairing the soil ,including more than a dozen Austrian Austrian monk Friar and habitat environment ,the Austrian entry following monk count .
, , relationresultIn twomonths of fighting ,let your pride day completely familiar with the Austrian border repair soil fighting style, his strength has gradually recovered to the peak level ,while the strict meaning strength has been greatly improved .
relationresultIn thestrict sense under the guidance of practice ,already broke through the Austrian civil spirit realm, reached the Arcane Blast throughout the state, with his unique physical ,he also can take charge as chief of ,killed countless intentions into Chashan don home repair soil .
relationresultJunTian ,strict meaning and Tieniu et al seized large quantities of spar ,secrets and magic ,they put these things together to throw the Qin days if ,while Qin Tianzong is directly put these things used to enrich the Qin government warehouse .
relationresultBest wishes ,look even if you don leave the south wild to nothing ,a royal old took South barren ,plus the south wild border barrier exists, no one can score a southern savage ,not to mention the God stone to snatch away .
Tea other homes ,Qin Zhongle hehe with said Qin Tianzong .relationresultQin Tianzong Wenyanslightly nodded, in these two months, he was fully appreciate the south wild border ward badly ,even the Austrian exit peak realm repair soil into the south wild ,not you proud day opponent ,while the Austrian environmental repair soil only be strict to ravage a .
relationresultIt is because ofyou proud day and strict meaning two people in southern barbarian frontier ward auxiliary can make the entire southern barren as strong as iron ,so Qin days if only slowly did not leave Yancheng ,but with the completion of the Qin Fu ,is also awaiting a million demon Hill parents return .
relationresultBest wishes ,so you are not going to leave South barren ? , relationresultQin Tianzongnodded ,Qin Houde et al. Look excited ,Qin Houyi is couldn excitedly asked .relationresultNo, my work has entered the bottleneck ,stayed in the south wild and afraid to life will remain in the Austrian gas exit starts ,this is not the result I want to .
Looked around the house in a few elders ,Qin days if said slowly : the family after the move, I will quietly leave South barren ,traveling . , relationresultBut ... ... Ordinary man is innocent.
Huaibiqizui ,if you take God stone out, not only can well improve the repair, but will face the inexhaustible ... ... Guo Chuanyao said with worry .relationresultYou old and old South Yan in barren ,barren austral is sure to keep God stone ,so I this time travel is not intended to put the stone of God with me .
Qin days if smiled softly :relationresultMy dad put God stone Dainan barren ,is to let the south wild inner monk to have sufficient vitality world cultivation ,if I take out her words ,it became the south wild places a traitor through the ages ? , relationresultHearQin Yao longitudinal words ,house into a short silence ,half day people react to what is going on, the original Qin vertical-day is actually going to God stone ,Jun Tian and strict meaning to a stay in South barren ,he alone out of experience .
relationresultJunTian and strict meaning looked at each other ,and then look at the same time to fall on Qin Tianzong do not know how to open .relationresultThis two months,Qin days if early with Jun Tian and strict meaning ditch through this thing, they are also aware of Qin Tianzong attitude to the firm ,Qin days if cultivated in south wild area has been the highest in the south ,to remain in the wild ,no experience and honed ,the strength of Qin Tianzong it is difficult to improve, so Qin Yao longitudinal choice is undoubtedly the most correct ,so they can be persuaded Qin Tianzong to .
relationresultIn Mr.Tian Yan Yi and brutal killings ,intent on other holy God stone monks finally gradually clear ,although Kami Ishi is precious ,but also have a life it is .relationresultWith the passage of time,other sites in the south wild monk is less and less, often only a few monks humble ,totally unaware of or wants to hit the jackpot monk before breaking in south the savage land .
relationresultHow can this be ?Qin days if side how Austrian days exit strong? The northern sky sanctuary, reliance big headed through the mirror to see Guo Yunhui as days in Yancheng happened, his face is very ugly .
relationresultThis is two months time,Guo Yunhui once again hope that people give Qin Tianzong to kill ,but he waited until he was disappointed again and again .relationresultIf the little beast has been hiding in the south wild to not come out ,I do not ever take the little animals can ? According to sky mirror put aside, Guo Yunhui face is full of ferocious .
Daddy ,come out ,Qin Tianzong ,we got a chance . When Guo Yunhui contemplate ,hope to be able to think of other ways to deal with the Qin Yao longitudinal ,his ear suddenly came a screaming .
relationresultGuo Yunhui,look ,is the son Guo Huaizheng took as though the mirror at the direction of South wild . Qin Tianzong from the Mixc transfer matrix is out, his side only with a big and a small child ,Jun Tian and justice are not intended by his side .
In Guo Yunhui wondering gaze ,Guo Huai was excitedly explained .relationresultLetme have a look. Guo Yunhui low drinking a sound ,quickly grabbed the shine sky mirror .relationresultWhen Guo Yunhui saw theQin days if really in the Mixc around ,and your pride days and strict meaning ,still in Yancheng, he not by clenching his fist ,heavily to swing in the air .
relationresultsmy kind ,since you want to kill yourself, you Xiuguai I be extremely cruel and merciless . To conscientiously observe Qin Tianzong and the three of them for a long time ,confirmed that Qin Tianzong and the three of them did not play any tricks, but really to travel outside ,Guo Yunhui face uncertainty ,finally to oneself road .
relationresultDad ,do you want to go to the Mixc to deal with the Qin days if you ,I also want to . Hear my father automatic speaking ,Guo Huai in the side face look article asked . No, Qin days if is the Austrian gas environment quality ,and you become Arcane Blast environment ,you are no match for him ,or he personally shot comparatively well .
Guo Yunhui looked Guo Huai an eye ,flatly refused , but we don rush to act ,but to observe a few days ,so that small animals make a gesture of attacking ,let us go . Guo Yunhui heard not refused to tone ,Guo Huai eyes flashed a unwilling, but eventually he quietly pulled out of the housing .
relationresultVientianeCity ,Qin Tianzong and the three men on one eye ,and then together into a look very stylish Granville clothing shop .relationresultClothingshop outside, more than a dozen black people being at a loss what to do to look ,did not choose to follow into the clothing shop ,but have a tacit agreement of the clothing shop front and rear door is blocked .
relationresultHalf anhour past ,take on an altogether new aspect of Qin Tianzong from the clothing shop to go out ,he looked around ,and then quickly toward the central Yancheng Vientiane firm ,Xu Kun and several other Vientiane firm elders stood firm door laughing and talking ,seem to wait for Qin Tianzong to come .
relationresultClothingshop outside a dozen black man hesitated ,Monster Beats,there are three individuals followed ,with Qin Tianzong behind him .relationresultThis man is not the talented ,Qin Tianzong appears to be many ,but the people look around ,eyes filled with excitement ,should be the Qin vertical-day around the blood fox posing and Granville .
, relationresultAccording tosky mirror by seeing this Guo Yunhui grunted coldly ,face the look of disdain .relationresultIt is halfpast incense time I Tieniu from clothing shop in the drilling out ,he took a good look around anxiously ,then do not hesitate in the transmission direction .
relationresultThe few remainingmen in black ,immediately and three black men to go .relationresultMore than a dozenbreathing time past ,powder carving jade Qin blood from the clothing shop Related articles:

