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When the Soviet government ,also developed for China military action plan .And the Soviet Union dispatched a large number of military advisers ,to help the Vietnamese government training unit .
And the puppet government in Vietnam ,Vietnam large-scale action .And the China seas ,territorial claim of sovereignty .And declared to belong to Chinese territorial waters of Paracel Islands ,Spratly Islands and other islands into their territory ,and sent troops to occupy the portion of the island of Spratly Islands ;in the Sino-Vietnamese border massed large forces ,making the border clashes ,violation of China .
relationresultIn order to arrangethe border with South Vietnamese special forces ,in the war with Kampuchea ,further contain Chinese government ,Klev ?The Kirov he together with the intelligence director ,chairman of the National Security Council ,Andropov ,as well as the Soviet military ,they developed for China border city destroy the assassination plan ,code name : dragon plan .
Klev ?He horse Kirov today to the three secret base ,is to implement the whole plan .But he did not think of ,this dragon has not had time for slaughter ,but he really went to see Stalin go underground .
relationresultThe Soviet governmentin their own doorstep ,while being assassins to kill three significant figures, but from after World War II, never happened .And get in by every opening ,known as powerful KGB special forces ,in their own doorstep ,they number two by KGB assassin assassinate ,no less than magnitude eight earthquake occurred in Moscow ,as was a slap in the face to face fan .
They feel embarrassed ,surface without light .relationresultWhen MoscowKGB headquarters from base to report at the time ,the chairman of the National Security Council ,Andropov of seventy-four years old ,lying in a big sofa bed ,holding his beautiful young female secretary Nasha asleep .
When he heard the three secret base report ,his heart is be startled at .Do not say that his deputy, was assassinated ,three secret base if known ,the Far East military deployment ,will be exposed in the national intelligence .
The Soviet secret military force ,like a dummy .Andropov has not attend his ugly body ,smooth body sprang out of bed .He immediately brought the secret base of what happened ,calling to report to the presidium of the Supreme Soviet chairman ,chairman of the National Defence Commission of the Soviet Union ;Yilinai ?Brezhnev and at the moment, the Supreme Soviet presidium of the Soviet Union ,chairman of the National Defence Commission ;Yilinai ?Brezhnev ,in the Moscow Kremlin ,his desk reading files .
When he heard Andropov ,the whole people was shocked to sit in a chair .relationresultThreesecret base ,but the Soviet government spent a lot of money and manpower ,took ten years to build and become .
There is not only the special forces base .And, or the Soviet Union important military secret base .Base in addition to store a large amount of arms and ammunition ,and 9 nuclear-tipped missiles .
If this had been enabled, also in a few years time secret base ,once they are found out ,then the secret military base ,is completely scrapped .Moreover, the most intolerable is ,in a secret base assassinated three important government figure ,it is the government of the Soviet Union .
If it is internationally know ,governments is not in doubt their teeth .Those who hold the thigh boys ,he will the Soviet Union big brother lose confidence, the government of the Soviet Union is not a small blow .
relationresultYilinai?Brezhnev ,he was very clear that the severity of .Moreover, he knows it ,the assassination ,pretty close ,entirely possible that the Chinese military institute .But now he had no evidence to prove it ,nor is it possible for China to play a game with the local war .
But if the secret military base ,was rushed back to the Chinese military ,tell their intelligence ,the secret base even completely scrapped .People can come, there may be second ,or even three times ,four times, a secret military base would not be secret ,to the Chinese military will not threat effect .
relationresultIn order toeliminate the influence of international political arena ,keep the Soviet Union in world military power ,but also to a secret base is not leaked out .Collection of military power as a Brezhnev ,google,he immediately orders .
Let the soldiers in Khabarovsk ,Chita ,Joe Hill military planes at the airport ,the aircraft take off at all ,to the site for reinforcements .And ordered all troops stationed at the border ,the border must be all of waterway and road closures ,could not let the assassin escape .
Now a dead person is not important ,the important is a secret military base ,its existence can not leak out .He asked the army ,living with people, to see the corpse death .The army whatever measures ,even the primitive forest destroyed ,also will be the assassin stay in the Soviet union .
relationresultWhen the Soviet Unionsuddenly in the middle of the night ,a large-scale military mobilization ,the first time was the United States military satellite detected .This incident is less than three minutes ,a detailed report will be sent to the White House ,President of the United States .
relationresultAnd those whohide in the Soviet Union countries spy ,the Soviet government come unexpectedly military action, to be all at sea is ,haven .They ( they ) do not know ,the Sino-Soviet border with what the military conflict ,but these spy or perform them ( they ) duties ,using various means of the Eight Immortals crossing the sea ,each .
In the acquisition of information ,they ( they ) will use different channels ,will the Soviet Union this time action report to their country intelligence department .relationresultThe Soviet armyin the northeast border ,large-scale military operation ,to the world is big .
National Army in the different time ,different specifications of the military orders issued .This time ,the war pervaded the whole time .While governments require an emergency session of the United Nations ,to prevent the outbreak of war .
After all ,two nuclear powers to wage war, the whole world great .relationresultWhile theChinese border guards ,also found in the massive Soviet military mobilization ,which was very tense Sino-Soviet military relations ,at the same time to enter a state of war ,local war is likely to happen at any time .
relationresultAt the same time,China Ministry of information ,a detailed report to Zhongnanhai .Immediately, the Chinese military issued war order ,requirement each army made all the preparations for war .
And each local government ,also received the prime minister call, he asked the local government ,once war broke out, the local government must do a good job of logistics support work, as well as the evacuation of the people ,to ensure the people safety of life .
All important military facilities ,must by the Army garrison ,to ensure the safety .relationresultBase commanderZhan Wenbin he had received intelligence ,when he saw the assassination of the Soviet generals list at the time ,in addition to surprise .
He immediately associate ,this time of the assassination ,I that now are not back ,without organization, discipline ,the army has not a few months made by Wang Weiye .While the Soviet Union and the Mongolia army, Wang Weiye used military roundup ,cause so big battle ,it is imperative to King albert .
But at the same time the execution of Wen Bin on the map seen from the KGB ,special forces soldiers surrounded ,Wang Weiye still alive .Now he is stranded in the Soviet Union ,Mongolia .
Wang Weiye in so many military encirclement ,probably be fraught with grim possibilities .Unless there is a miracle, Wang Weiye before he can come back alive .relationresultNowcut the commander Wen Bin ,sitting in his office, can be said to be worried .
Although he knew that Wang Weiye had a good martial arts ,but now is modern ,the cold weapon is only against a minority .Wang Weiye and his face ,aircraft ,artillery and modern weapons ,and combat capability of the KGB is a special forces soldier .

