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Shake head a way:"The gentleman faces, I want to calm down."You snow suddenly thoughted of what, way:"To, who is gentleman's facing you to find out to make track for to kill thunder Gang exactly?"
The gentleman faces noodles to permit inadvertent stiff for a while, answer way:"I have already sent the pupil left for to look for, after believing soon can find out."
You snow ordered to nod, way:"Thank you, the gentleman faces."
"You are unique to make me move of person, I will make an effort to satisfy your need, You snow, lead a period of time I take you to see how is my uncle?"The gentleman faces to ponder a short moment to say,www.cheapbeatsbydrdreheadset.com.
"Uncle?"You snow puzzles a way.
"H'm."The gentleman faced to order to nod.
You snow deliberation a short moment, shake head a way:"The gentleman faces, I want to calm down, I want to find out the person who to kill thunder Gang, and I want to revenge for thunder Gang and hope that you can comprehend."
The gentleman faces vision one Shan is in the color of the Yin Jiu but lead, say with smile:"You snow, I will find out quickly and revenge for you, however, you want to face the identity of the fiancee and see my uncle by my gentleman by that time, good?"
You snow body tiny Zhan, strong endure the heartache of heart, shut last double eye, ordered to nod.
The gentleman faces to get replying of You snow, this just peeped out knowing smiling face, way:"You snow, you calm down well.I look for to kill thunder Gang exactly is which influence"finish saying, the gentleman faces of the body disappear at first.
Soon after, You snow slowly opened a double eye, beautiful eye in contain tears, looking at a Liu Cai rich in hues sky, muttering way:"Thunder Gang, for revenging for you, other of I am inattentive."
Water works properly boundary, five lines of boundaries in, water goes one boundary, five lines of boundaries in, if saying to melt the fire of boundary is the most, so water works properly water of boundary to would be the most, and melts boundary generally, water works properly the land of boundary less, is five lines of a minimal boundaries of boundary lands, almost is at one boundless ocean in, and the size of this land is equal to to melt Long Lian's mainland of boundary, however, big Hai in also have closely of islet and islands, water works properly boundary to mainly is divided into two general situation dints, source water believes in, and water works properly a religion.
The influence that source water believes in all over water works properly the mainland of boundary, while water work properly the influence of religion mainly in the ocean islands, two greatest religious sect it may be said are well waters don't make river water, who also what then not who.Although the influence that source water believes in overrides water to work properly a religion on, the islet in the ocean almost has water influence for working properly a religion to involve, although both have conflict,the just small dozen is small to make, after all if greatly take up arms, who also can not get an advantage.
Certainly, this doesn't represent water to work properly boundary to only have these two religious sects, among them, various religious sects count extremely number, especially in the ocean islet.
With melt boundary different, water works properly the ocean of boundary but is extremely good a self-discipline of the ground , especially in the bottom of sea, have many old eccentrics to sink into bottom of sea self-discipline and melt the sea of the magma of boundary to make people's self-discipline not Gao Zhe don't dare to set foot in, but water works properly boundary exactly the opposite, however, water work properly boundary unspoken rules, then it is to avoid in the ocean combat as far as possible, otherwise incensed the self-discipline of concealment strong, so only a dead end.
Water's working properly the only mainland of boundary is called that it is emperor mainland king, this assign name to mainly in honor of water works properly boundary of emperor aqua regia emperor.In former days, water emperor unification water works properly boundary, that time, water works properly boundary source water only believe in, while water's working properly a religion is water emperor to grow after withering.
Is an in the center of emperor mainland king be named to celebrate emperor city of big city west side transmission, that wood Chen the transmission of the field is suffused with smooth, garrisoned two self - disciplines of here to open a double eye, but was to discover that basically the transmission nobody appear and not only puzzle, this is clearly to open, how does the nobody come over?They but is don't know that a figure has already left here.
Appear in the thunder Gang of celebrating the emperor city and have no time and look into foreign land romantic feeling, directly fly and celebrate emperor city, the absolute being knows and spreads and looks for spiritual influence heavy ground of, look for all the way, the thunder Gang almost once flew half emperor mainland king, finally arrived at an ocean edge, felt the heavy spiritual influence in the ocean, thunder Gang go toward ocean the deep place flies to, look for the ground of suitable realization water line.
P:Midnight …want to be not, in the days to come everyday red ticket ascend thousand add more one chapter?Can insist down, monthly break out twice?
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Chapter 605 blazes posterity dragon
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Chapter 606 wanted me
In former days burning Long Yi Mai is glorious of, once had many posterities, their blood combine impurity, so could look for another his road, time a long, blaze parts of posterities of Long Yi Mai to start studying a chain machine, like than the others naturally by their inborn advantage, although blood impurity, but that controls goods ability very the person can compare, as time passes, the machine believes in brilliancy temporarily,did not know to finally take place what matter, the machine religion degenerates to melt boundary.
Knew ° from Long Zhan of machine all these, thunder Gang the eyebrows Be tiny to wrinkle up, the machine believes in of so will degenerate this, perhaps very probably is because burning Long Yi Mai gave offense to a certain strong saint monster is one clan, for keeping intact blood just move machine tower to melt boundary.
"First generation, you come to machine tower of can have the huge hammer son to discover machine tower top?"Machine Long Zhan the hesitant short moment slowly say.
The thunder Gang ordered to nod and at the beginning arrived at machine tower of, the thunder Gang always feels that that huge hammer son sends forth strong breathing, hesitant divide time real strenght at that time not high, the thunder Gang didn't look into more.
"Is then it my burning dragon first Zu of**variety but become of."Machine Long Zhan soft-voiced way, vision in be full of to respect adore of color, thunder Gang the complexion Be tiny to change, but the heart brought about a situation full of peril, burning dragon variety but become of?The thunder Gang suddenly thoughted of tradition first the war skill"thunderbolt", the huge hammer that burning dragon changes into, …the thunder Gang deeply absorbed tone, the vision tightly stares at a machine Long Zhan, wait for his continuation.
"First generation, first Zu his**change into a huge hammer, it comprehends of chain machine and strongly fix for believe in my machine to grow prosperous not Shuai, this is also why the machine tower is more high to contain of chain machine artistic conception, all of this are first the Zu that he pays of."Machine Long Zhan says a double the eye is deeply red, almost want to fall in tears, numerous in the last yearses, burning dragon first Zu for machine Zong Fu Chu the whole.
The thunder Gang hesitates a short moment, Yi track:"First Zu he is already ……?"
Machine Long Zhan shook to shake head a way:"Have no, first Zu his absolute being soul has been being inhibitted in the fire Fen of ground deep place, these in the last yearses, the machine believes in pupils all and wants to give relief to first Zu, but the ground of the fire Fen the deep place is unexpectedly born a strong absolute being monster, none of owners is his opponent, so always first, , first the Zu have been trapping in the ground of fire Fen"
The burning dragon traps in the fire Fen of ground deep place?The thunder Gang smells speech heart one Zhan, if can get a burning dragon first the blood of Zu, oneself so don't burning blood dragon who divide time in the fire line be more pure?And, can also get his/her own from the burning dragon first the generation much more of the Mi smell, the thunder Gang ponders and computes time, does this realization water go time of needing hundreds of years still and why not try to give relief to a burning dragon first Zu?Perhaps can ask for help of a burning dragon first the strength of the Zu look for a gentleman to face, the after all highest boundary is too strong and mysterious, thunder Gang have no how much confidence.
However …the ground of fire Fen that strong absolute being monster thunder Gang can not also win, while the fire emperor sink into soundly asleep at this time, at the beginning and that strong absolute being monster collision make fire the emperor inflict a heavy losses on, the thunder Gang deliberates very long, suddenly thoughted of what, looking at machine Long Zhan Dao:"You can from melted boundary to connect one person to the machine tower 5 F for me?"
"Can.First generation you have to answer …"lookinging at of machine Long Zhan doubt thunder Gang.
"You go to fire city in the sending of fire area mainland.As for is who, you knew by that time."The thunder Gang says.
Machine Long Zhan ordered to nod, Long Tian saw an eye nearby, drink low a way:"It is this time you to go to send fire city to connect first the person said by generation and also be regarded as to atone for sin the achievement.Is understand?"
Long Tian, who stands on the part, ordered to nod and looking at the vision of thundered Gang to become complicated, Long Tian didn't linger and then leave more and went to melt boundary, while the thunder Gang heart read a to move and tell far to divide time to begin journey to melt boundary in the soil line of nine You boundaries and divides time at severals in with the soil line divide time for most, only soil line divide time just can resist that absolute being class Xuan rank of attack.
Divide time the soil line to go to after sending fire city, thunder Gang Related articles:

