
http://www.feedage.com/feeds/22517288/beats-by-dre-cheap to Inn the wild goo

Pleasant breeze city empty, but the wild goose south fly them quickly at this time solution fight and kill once inside the city and clean a time of of database buildings, plan just end on the whole.Certainly, they also think the affair rehabilitating.
The second day dead hour, the wild goose south flies them to prepare appropriate, in fact also the nothing important can prepare of, was each brigade person's horse to take many space rings.Wild goose south's flying are to want those worthless mineral stones all and all accept to pare off only for their orders, don't leave 1:00 for enemy.Concerning this, none of others knows wild goose the south flies of real purpose, thinks that he has insatiable greed.
The signal is a , all people all the elephant phantom generally disappear in the dark night, they all set out toward own destination.
The destination far was near, the wild goose south flew them early even if good time, wait until everyone arrive reserved location, then just make moves.
Wild goose south's flying what to be responsible for is farthest a big mineral vein of the place, he was soon the mineral vein place, night, the mining of mineral vein work had already stopped, those soil clan the miner all take a rest.But those keeper in addition to patrol, Shao's exploring don't take a rest, others all asleep.Have the still just own room of many people plays with not to know where rob of woman.
He finds out that several rooms that does severe keeper and prepares to kill those superiors first, left and then can easily solve.Arrived a place, he incubated down quietly and waited for engagement of horary of arrival.
Listen to the voice of those dirty ears, the wild goose south flies to don't already, finally angry, thunderbolt activity of time arrive.
Wild goose south the flying kick turned over door and killed a superior of true absolute being Class when the other party hasn't reflected to come over.However bellow the voice disturbed others all, they quickly let out signal, and the rush rush out from the room.
In this brief time in, the wild goose south fly and killed a guy of true absolute being Class.All of those talented persons wore orderliness and flew wild goose south to round.
"BE what person?Unexpectedly dare to kill an Aeolian person."
The wild goose south flies not to talk and lift to put~to death absolute being knife malicious kill a , those people differ with his real strenght too greatly, was sliced melon by him to generally chop down to order head.See write a person who watch the mineral vein only for taking precautions against that worker who fastens to dig a mineral to there is changes, so the hand isn't a lot of, very quick drive wild goose the south fly to kill light.
The wild goose south flew to accept into their space rings all own purse, then piled up in the worthless mineral stones on the vacant land to also accept into space ring, then he disappears in the night sky.
In the process of being whole to fight in, have already waked up with a start those miners, but they have no one person to come out to see of, don't even say to help.They early not great to those keepers, they are grasped come of, the keeper all takes them to be a slave to see at ordinary times, the keeper is killed now, they finally free.
Solution drops his/her own target, the wild goose south flies with the absolute being knew to sweep to see for a while, discover where have a difficulty, he helps who.
And wild goose the south fly to equally and quickly still have absolute being breeze and Long Ao Tian, they according to far plan, support the person of neighborhood.
The whole raid activity cost of time is very short, when the relief troops in the pleasant breeze city hasn't arrived, the wild goose south flew them already and successfully completed task gathering together.
See everyone safe and sound, the wild goose south flies an in the mind happy, say:"Good!Act perfect completion, we immediately carry on the second to on foot move.This time we is together go, equally speak a 'quick'word.Like, let's set out."
They take dark night and stealthily touch again into settle breeze city, they frightened draw the other people's attention, fly at very high Gao Kong, until the castellan mansion just goes under the landings, database building in the castellan mansion.
Castellan mansion the lights is bright at this time, in confusion.At just on connecting to receive about 20 signal of asking for helps, that is responsible for person that manages pleasant breeze city to acquaint with public finance, fighting each other the battle is completely ignorant.He did false decision, he the escort of the castellan mansion asunder go out a support.
He did so to make two greatly hate, a, forgetting the castellan mansion is the most important place, didn't leave enough hand protection;Two, scattered troops, be easily defeated in detail by the enemy.
The castellan is incapable, gave the wild goose the south to fly them convenient.
The wild goose south flies them to the back of the castellan mansion and asunder opened, then launched aggression at the same time from the all directions.
Their threatening force makes very greatly and lets the person of castellan mansion thinks that large numbers of enemies arrived and immediately was rattled, the organization doesn't rise to effectively resist.
Wild goose south's flying them isn't hand goes limp either and rise knife to fall and appear in public and then kill, the speed pushing forward is very quick.That castellan capability comes to a true absolute being first grade, but the courage is very small, career didn't also fight, fight a dozen to ring, he take confidant and family to escape, was robbed down by the absolute being breeze.The absolute being breeze captured alive them all and stayed to still have a little use.
The combat soon ended after beating and ringing, the wild goose south flew to lift the castellan wetting the pants to arrive database building, and the others all searched out the wealth and properties of castellan mansion to go to and included those dead's wealths.Fly the leading of leader that returns an elephant robber than the robber in the wild goose south, they all became a flock of money-mad robber.
The wild goose south flies loudly a way:"Open database building."
The castellan Duo cringes a Suo way:"I have no key, begging you don't kill me and beg you..."
The wild goose south flies lazy must listen to his useless talk, direct one haft he solved, then used to put~to death the whole door of absolute being haft to all unload down.The door of database building but cast with valuable metal of, greatly and thick, the wild goose south flies also Don't mention it, guarded a gate to all accept into space ring.
The database building isn't big, in put many space rings, the wild goose south flew to literally take a space ring, detection in is all mineral stones.He also had no time to scrutinize one by one and directly accepted all of those space rings.
Kill light, after robbing light,http://www.feedage.com/feeds/22517288/beats-by-dre-cheap, the wild goose south flew them to still put a fire and burned down all traces, then quickly left the spot.

The chapter 55 turmoil in mainland of the eighth absolute being is after
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Chapter 55 turmoil is after
According to the plan, wild goose south's flying them don't leave pleasant breeze city, after thunderbolt acts be over, they all the Qian return to Inn, so as not to arouse the person's doubt.
Blunt sky of wildfire and inchoate turmoil of castellan mansion have already waked up with a start the owner of settling the breeze city, the most people is understand to wise about personal survival of truth, all hide in the house don't come out.
Return to Inn, the wild goose south flies them to pack an appearance for aring rattled and find out news to the owner of Inn and conveniently make people know their fact in the Inn.
Pleasant breeze city so of turmoil, can not estimate how long will seal city, even all through the night search, by this time leaving will ask for a person to doubt.The wild goose south flies them already plan good, the old absolute being at ease stays in the Inn to see gamesome.
Indeed as expected with anticipate of similar, on that night, Aeolian person's horse soon blockades pleasant breeze city, and pursue a door pursue the door search, the Inn is the place that particularly searches.
Wild goose south's flying the Inn that they live is also searched and mainly see some what person, has person to leave in the night.The wild goose south flies they did completely preparation, there is no quilt suspicion.
The pleasant breeze city is greatly disorderly, had been making till a morning from the dead hour, the criminal still don't capture, however those guards poured to catch many unpleasant to look at persons for having a great achievement and regarded as them suspect.
On the second day, pleasant breeze city almost all bargains stopped, even the Inn also closed.The wild goose south flies them to also have to stay the rest is in the Inn, they deployed soundproof knot boundary, at in chat.
Fire heresy:"The south flies boy, we yesterday whether is too a little bit malicious?"He is still not bashful to say, the last night killed the most eagerly for him.
The wild goose south flies a way:"Nothing important of, we didn't hurt innocence.For weakening the bright absolute being king's real strenght, we have to be a little bit more malicious.Still have, we are more cruel, more ability attractive attention

