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The economy growth is up to 8% and outruns estimate in the market the third quarter.At the same time, the electricity profit fee television business development also obtains breakthrough and won an English super allied right to broadcast.That but lie all a day of ability to enter a Dou gold, who would like to money is from own hand in slip away?What complete nonsense the war of father and son, emphasize and talk the cultural society of the company at the company in Hong Kong in, perhaps make money is right way."The various Ge Lang Jun slightly takes a despise way.

"Make money is right way, ha ha, in this sentence one language of."

Inattentive Li Kai Ze lightly raises cup, air gradually cool way:"This is in the world what affair can be more more pure than benefits, you come here should can't be come to sarcasm mine, I think unless you are the prince's person, I to you also have no so good heart feeling."

"That is the nature, Li Kai Ze of time compute money with second of, like, correspond a positive."

The various Ge Lang Jun lightly says with smile, there is no unclear quick temper of caring Li Kai Ze intentionally, "I go down south this time, originally is want to solve Yan east Liu, however there is no necessity now, immediately after I want with you go to trip Hong Kong, should clean up of clean up, the solution that solution, prince's party has already prepared to start to Hong Kong and Macau in advance."

This kind of is very likely the heavy big deal of the Xing breeze blood rain drive this various Ge Lang the Jun describe with a delicate touch thus of description, even if Li Kai Ze again sink", also still astounded stagnant.

Various Ge Lang Jun body tiny anteversion, peep out a be good enough to let woman's deeply drunk of charming smile, the Mi rises of on putting on gasconade, the Mou sub- flash across' way:"I still have a name to be called Lin Hui, is also the generation of prince's party in the capital city third handle knob, speak of, Yan east Liu's position in prince's party of capital city, seem to be still to want at me behind."

Li Kai Ze once in a very long while can not talk and finally let go of cup, various Ge, various Ge,Cheap Beats By Dr Dre, what I faced exactly and how of a monster!

At various Ge Lang the Jun and Li Kai Ze have the next door of place tea room two not only facial appearance sweetly and qualities extremely good of the girl is making tea to drink together, two people all and leaf have no the way have or clear and distinct or ambiguous relation, one is a G to save Su from Wei secretary in province to save baby's granddaughter Su of Yi to cherish water, also have a then country department minister Zhao Shi Dao of Anne's niece, Zhao Qing, think, two girl's hearts shine on to declare lightly to drink tea, shallow chat, intentionally get around a leaf have no way, two all become familiar with the sister that is like 1 rightness to be good friends with to the officialdom having the girl who outstrip the ordinary people comprehension to politics to communicate here feelings.

Su cherishes water to wear a green loose stone well known as green loose stone of a string of thou and matches the scarf of thin green today, particularly pure Yi.

"Is this green loose stone very beautiful."Zhao Qing thinks a from the heart exclamation way.

"Is what my daddy goes to the time of Xian bring back come, if you like, send to you like."Su cherishes water Yong to permit a way.

"The other people's thing, I absolutely can't want, I as long as belongs to his/her own thing, since the childhood all BE."Zhao Qing thinks to shake head to say with smile, the Mou son working properly is full of to ponder, " because I like to be only happy to enjoy, not many happy happy."

"Matter in Chengkong University be not striven for to many, only happy joy also have no what not good."Su cherishes water to choose the easier way a way, but the sweet smiling face cover up a silk lead long strong.

"I really don't understand!"Zhao Qing thinks a puzzling way, but she knows opposite this idea the lovely girl knows what she is saying.

"There is a kind of Gu Ao and chilly man, destine and cover with to hang embarrassing to people sharp, head for endless but faraway banishment, if there is no date of return, , in this kind of man's back, also destine a woman who have each color, the Chi Chi waits for, the many people rounds the person out of the city to say they are silly, but don't know we are willing like Yi, because of, this kind of man, meet, oneself is a kind of happiness, so, bear suffering, is also a matter luckily, you will understand, because you have no courageous pay."

Su cherishes water to lightly picked up cup, soft tasted an one mouthful, "tea of sweet and fragrant, is contain in the bitterness this put on keynote in, you are very intelligent, excel a calculation, just you leaked to calculate an affair."

"What?"Zhao Qing thinks Dai eyebrow to wrinkle up a way, she doesn't like that Su cherishes water this attitude.

Su cherishes water to look like commiserative look in the eyes to hope the Jiao female of this day with 1 kind, "love, can not compute, can compute of, that wasn't a love."

Insolent fourth university the youth chapter 474 geomancy Shu teacher

Originally thought that the sound of Xiao Ling that was difficult to escape a to rob in the evening sees leaf have no way the He of soundly asleep in bosom connect azure stone, the look in the eyes was complicated, surprise, delighted, fell Mo.still have been already appreciated, chased in person the funeral affairs that the He connected dark secrets handles appropriate then arrived at the sound of Xiao Ling of the leaf here have no the lying of way weariness is on the sofa. embraced the little girl of bosom sweet smile, originally should be a powder Sai, water of delicate skin works properly a girl. but is so.

"Wanting don't I wash a hot bath for her and go again to buy for her how many sets of clothes?I open the air condition and the electric blanket. she now so again warm also sleep uneasy steady."It exactly is elaboration of woman. very quick sound of Xiao Ling give an opinion.

Chase He connect the azure stone lightly awaken. this kid is different from peacock that sort glue a person. although don't give up,still keep lovely taking a shower in bathroom with the sound of Xiao Ling.leaf have no the way looking at smiling face sincere glitter of face of the sound of Xiao Ling.do not thought of that this work still has this kind of lovely idea at the commercial circles iceberg calculating, quiet quiet steeped the leaf of cup coffee for oneself have no the way see awkward and shy He of Mian Tian connect azure stone after coming out, be still drive her work properly to shock. the spiritual influence contained by that eyes son not the slightest inferior to snow scar and the Jing song of aunt, leaf, , really don't know how of conceive just can be like her sort dimly discernible.the Shu Li is different from the peacock. the latter icy cold, kill, demon evil spirit.but He connect azure stone but work properly, warmth like jade, sanctity, if one is fix Luo.so another be like play the old woman of Gan Da of singing"vibrate 3,000 worlds" before Buddha.

"Can I hardly see?"He connect azure stone Tan the Te ask a way, leaf have no way is she now end of depend on*.almost be like ever Mu to permit snow scar to regard as him to believe in a support generally.

"Has no and etc. azure stone to grow up me probably will have a headache and are the loves of the azure stones when the time comes because of all of full worlds."The leaf has no way and lightly connects the azure stone to the He and pulls over and embraces in the bosom and pared off her nose, oneself once met many genius youths and personally once strangled a lot of geniuses, but bore Cuis and azure stone that originally can bloom brilliance as well and undoubtedly is among them of Jiaos Jiao.

The He connects an azure stone to hide to have no the bosom of way not to talk at the leaf, although the sound of Xiao Ling has a lot of questions, still is go first to take some ointments for little girl.Her hand doesn't handle again to go wrong, tomorrow had better still want to take her to take a look at the hospital.

"Azure stone, do you want to do what after growing up?"The leaf has no way head that touches her lightly way.He doesn't make her do his pawn.Don't the pawn that she does anyone.

"Do to be like a grandpa geomancy teacher like that, grandpa to say that the azure stone is us household a hundred years a meet of person.so the grandpa taught a lot of things to me since the childhood, although wasn't quite to comprehend, can the azure stones all carried on the back down."The He connects an azure stone to take childish of a little proud and sweet smile way.

"Azure stone nature is wisely, this, I know."Leaf's hasing no way to feel pity on by hand heart Mo Suo is that small face.He still worried at first the He connected an azure stone to revenge.See thus.construct for her in the days to come a calmness of living words aren't so difficult in the imaginations.

The He connects an azure stone silent feel the leaf has no way center of palm of warmth, her hasing a words don't speak, I want for you and knead all enemies' destinies in hand!

Leaf's hasing no way to seem to forget geomancy similarly can kill people of, and kill people to never see blood, even can control numerous people's destiny.

Embrace He to connect the leaf of azure stone have no the way finally accompany the sound of Xiao Ling to drive the market bought a lot of clothes and children's thing for little girl, this all the way they this rightness bright combination certainly is turn head to lead astonishing.Particularly be said by the business member in the monopoly store similar"your daughter is really beautiful""this kid heel mama be really like" words of time, Xiao Ling sound of facial expression that is absolutely that the time immemorial is charmingly feminine and mature in of awkward and shy flutters between the forehead.that Ying the aqueous autumn Mou takes to can not remember clearly unidentified feeling and make people Chan Xian get Related articles:

