
beats by dre australia and the big witch

If the cultivation of nine RPM fifth rpm to how mysterious power over .relationresultBut nowKong Yu is too busy to go to think these things ,because of the evil god English recruit nine-feng and fighting between was expanded again ,hole jade hit spirit saw this war ,it is a valuable experience ,can increase his fighting experience ,for later encountered more powerful enemies to prepare .
relationresultFly to the skydemon God of a mouth is a glory to spit ,the nine-feng go ,big witch nine-feng nine crested neigh sound of wings ,a fan ,is the divine hammer powder ,then from nine crested to spit out nine SG ,cheap beats by dre,towards the demon United Kingdom of God strokes shoot, and demon God of the British action in the face of nine-feng attack ,seems to have expected, physical flash is hiding the past .
relationresultBecause two peoplefighting not to know how many times ,so on both sides of the tricks are already very familiar with, it is precisely because of this, no matter how you both to attack ,is not really able to hurt each other, but each strike burst out of the Pang fire is to circulate around the .
relationresultEndlessocean two Pang * * force lifted monstrous billow ,and that the water is in the continuous evaporation ,Kong Yu and has changed back to human world Xiangliu also because two mana continuous burst and continuous receding ,standing in the distance at the two body blinding a huge monster time attack each other .
relationresultWatching the twohuge monster again hit together ,constantly tearing at each other, and then separated ,with a mist of blood ,so exciting as battle also let Kong Yu feel very stimulated ,and the demon God of action ceaselessly nine-feng and burst out of mana is to let Kong Yu be full of excitement.
,excited watch between the wars .relationresultBut thedemon God of action is in the Xiangliu toxic ,and the battle when it ceded nine-feng part of mana to suppress the in vivo cold virus, thus invisible is lost a lot ,and the big witch nine-feng this one seems to be iron heart he will cut through ,this let the demon God of action heart is made hard ,with a roar ,who burst out again ,a flow from his body * * out .
relationresultAnd thata streamer dashing in demon God-British incurs the body is turned into ten swords ,each foot has thousands of feet long ,suspended in the demon God English recruit body around, composed of a sword array ,a very strong Yimu essence from the ten sword walk out of .
relationresultTheBritish call God see demon nine-feng summon the ten sword ,heart is a cold, and the bidding wars countless times ,are not seen his use of magic ,and this time he was summoned out of the ten sword ,which makes the nine-feng is cautious about .
relationresult , relationresultThe 272nd chapter us the wonder of bone beads , relationresultThe demonGod of action called out of ten blade out of the strong Yimu essence makes the big witch nine-feng is a bit of a shock ,watching it to be a flashing green light sword ,the nine-feng heart is a bit more dignified ,and looked at the face grim look demon God English action ,the body is moving .
relationresultTheprehistoric period ,the demon God British action is for the demon emperor and holy family too a caretaker for the Imperial Garden ,and in the Imperial Garden is planted at that time in the world of various congenital spirit of wood, although less than three Dalinggen between heaven and earth ,but also very rare spirit of wood, which contains the Yimu essence nature is very large .
relationresultThe Lichwar ,holy family and was a demon emperor and twelve ancestor witch perish together ,at that time ,the injured British action in escape when the entire Imperial Garden in the innate spirit of wood are taken away ,find the planet of healing the tens of millions of years ,the demon God of a straight are in the numerous innate spirit of wood refining magic ,finally produced the ten sword .
relationresultLooking across thebig witch nine-feng ,demon God of action face grim smile ,although the battle is nine-feng many times ,but he did not use the ten sword ,do not want to use but was not yet refined ,now just refining well, big witch nine-feng come, that just can use the big witch nine-feng blood offering sword .
relationresultAdemon God Spirit ,British action in vivo mana violent gush ,toward the ten sword perfusion ,suddenly the hundreds of feet are once again become a great lot sword ,then is toward the nine-feng shot past ,strong innate Yimu essence continuously in the sword on the project ,send out a series of energy toward the the big Wu nine-feng enveloped the past .
relationresultThe bigWu nine-feng saw the ten sword towards his shot ,a shaking heaven and earth scream, then Diptera volume, swept to a few sword ,and his mouth and spit out a SG ,into the sword ,but let the nine-feng did not think of is ,his own vomit in SG shoot to the sword on time, do not have any effect, the sword contains huge Yimu essence to devour her sg .
relationresultAndlet the big witch nine-feng did not think of is the ten sword was so sharp, his wings swept the sword is actually in their wings to leave a scar ,to know that she is the body ,the body degree only some innate spirit treasure can hurt ,are these swords are innate Lingbao as well? No wings of wounds are bleeding ,the figure of a receding nine-feng .
relationresultWith congenitalspirit of wood refining magic, although less than those of earth formation ,but also can be regarded as a congenital Lingbao ,its power of nature is important ,but the practice is nine-feng ancestor Witch Black deep vein prowess, in vivo mana contains is endless dead ,but this innate spirit of wood it contains strong innate nature is the essence of Yimu nine-feng nemesis .
relationresultSee thebig witch nine-feng back, demon God of action how to let this opportunity ,and manipulation of the ten sword toward the big witch nine-feng shoot, a sword in the world and a strong wind ,the endless ,the whole world is in the demon God English recruit powerful attack to break the trend .
relationresultFar looked attwo battle of Kong Yu and the demon God Xiangliu seen in British action summons ten swords ,immediately reversed the situation later ,heart is somewhat worried, the big witch nine-feng but they now the biggest support ,although she is want to rob all demons Shenfan ,but as long as she can defeat the demon God the British call ,then to Kong Yu is the greatest help .
relationresultLooking at the bigwitch nine-feng Diptera in the sword attack was injured ,Kong Yu heart very anxious, he this time is to own all the day mumbo jumbo banner lent the nine-feng use ,just afraid of the nine-feng in finished no longer back to himself ,then he is not a big loss ,so Kong Yu is hesitant in the heart .
relationresultHowever,at this time ,war once again changed ,only the back of the nine-feng uttered voice neigh ,immediately above the beautiful feather is send out a unit of black gas ,a cold ,cold ,full of the smell of death from the nine chicken body well out ,then he saw a white light from the big witch nine-feng body injection .
relationresultThata white light in the sky twinkle turned out later ,but a exudes Yingying light white beads ,smooth, pure and white ,as if there is no any impurities .But from the beads out above is actually a more chill, shares the smell of death from the beads out .
relationresultAnd thebeads in appeared ,along with the blooming of a burst of light ,the bead is constantly expanded ,in the twinkling of an eye is turned into a mountain size ,then from the beads is long out of a very long white thorn ,in the twinkling of an eye, the bead is become like a hedgehog . Related articles:

