
Beats Detox the close soldier o

No wonder that you want six lousy male Jin of seeings.By so doing, the male Jin understands your meaning naturally, will seek let you ability hall but emperor it draw back troops of lend, can't fight the soldier's aggressive, rightness?"
I ha ha smile:"Bo Fu, you really had the manner of leader now, no longer is originally work recklessly don't listen to general whom the person advises.Admire, admire.Just, if offend city failure to withdraw again, will be not larger to the soldier's stroke?"
Sun Ce Yi smiles:"That will see how we offend city, what lend to withdraw."
I wanted to think:"See to you and prohibit to have to offend city with all strength."
Sun Ce shakes head:"Is wrong, not only with all strength, and want to offend city with the biggest attack dint, had better ascend the last time city wall.Just can encourage the soldier's will to fight so.They will think, we are to have ability to take down here , just for the sake of the greater target, don't don't temporarily give up to take the offensive E city.Thus, next time again come of time, their confidence is hundred percent, can't under the influence of this."
"Admire, fierce hey."
Sun Ce ha ha a smile:"The Kan Ze is very good, the person whom a will move brain.This way is that he says."
"Congratulate Bo Fu, you the under charge is wealth of talent now!"
"BE ah, the talented person is many.Can I felt still little 1."
I once the bad customs ground smile and turn round and then walk:"You just of words I didn't hear.Hey, very late, I slept."After death Sun Ce long long one sighs.
In case Sun Ce say, offending of the second day city war excrescent vehemence, traverse to hold, however go to battle in person, lead a river east the officers and men started a violent attack to the E city, almost use all of all scaling ladders last, in a twinkling spread all over a ladder on the city wall.All of all bow and arrow hands go to battle, the benefit arrowses in the handle knob all shot into a city wall and match with to offend city soldier.The shield hand completely neglects his/her own life and uses shield to protect a bow and arrow hand, continuously someone falls flop, immediately again one person add to make up deficiencies.The scaling ladder is again pushed over, immediately be signed, ex- leave for the soldier desperation ground of subsequence to climb to the city wall.
I stand at the soldier whom Sun Ce's looking at these is nearby sacrificed and shake a head way:"If I take back yesterday, can really keep on putting together like this, five day inside, you can also take down E city.But pay the price of will also weigh very miserably."Sun Ce nods language not.
Pay although dead and injured of is very big, can the effect also came out.After two hours, really had soldier to ascend city wall.Although ascend the river of city wall east soldier in very short time in all sacrifice, can their behavior undoubtedly encouraged behind of soldier, second groups of soldiers soon again go up.Unfortunately, on the city wall of guarded a soldier to occupy person's many advantages, although they killed to harm large numbers of soldier of guardings, the end still can not take down a cake of has a foothold of ground.The warfare vehemence in greater half sky is ruthlessness, the city wall all up and down splashes full blood stain, city wall under is also a skeleton Be getting franker.See it is getting dark, the purpose also comes to a, Sun Ce issues order to withdraw troops.
After withdrawing troops soon, be made the Sun Ce close soldier of the Yu of looking into the week their circumstance by me to take the close soldier of week Yu to in a hurry arrive to.As expected, week Yu they indeed as expected didn't occupy.And I and six lousy viewpoints also got a confirmation, week Yu they also run into a person who makes use of a Lyu Fan close soldier and fool they say Sun Ce battalion at enter into the on the way in river summer drive Jing state the soldier establish Fu, Sun Ce gets hurt.Unfortunately, this guy performance of very bad, be found by the week Yu, a board bottom goes and all recruited.Week Yu a hear also have liar to cheat Sun Ce, afraid that we fall into trap and quickly send close soldier to come to see Sun Ce.
Sun Ce decides on the spot and issue order right away the whole soldier return journey on that night, rush through to remit with week Yu battalion to match, ate Huang Zu first, then come to E city.The pullout of troops reason that explains to the whole army but is to receive news, the Jing state reinforcement is about to arrive E city right away, the our army will face attacking from both flanks of the other party, and can temporarily stay back to kill Huang Zu.
River the east battalion order well arrangedly usually road up keep on backing, leaving up to thousand dead bodies is outside the E city.Hope all empty army camp outside the city of a night of to station ground, if as for corpse that isn't under the city wall, the E city guards a soldier to almost think that the war that these two days experience is a dream.
The in command of soldier buries a city other parts of country corpse, Huang She really doesn't understand that the ground asks Wang Wei:"General why keep me from making track for shot Sun Ce?"
Wang Wei lightly sees his one eye:"Make track for not to get.River east the soldier back not panically not disorderly, obviously is Sun Ce to see us preparing well and knowing that the in a short time isn't likely to take down E city to just draw back troops.Our army fighting strength not equal to enemy, also having no great commander can resist Sun Ce Di dominant, make track for to hit can from seek dead end.Have here guarded is our duties.I see, text general they also not necessarily have of arrive cheapness."
Sun Ce is also a person who makes firm decision very much, the understand possibility of city for taking down E now is very small, simply give up.Orderany whole army rapid rush through to remit with week Yu to match.Take not next the E city has no what, releasing Huang Zu can Kui big.So, this all the way we rush through very hastily.On the road, the close soldier of week Yu is there in detail the war situation that we explained.
Yellow Zu at water soldier the big camp after being offended break organized a backstroke, but had no to take back a little active, don't wait water soldier all together reply have no, he takes in person several friendly thousand soldierses to in a hurry escape.Week Yu they after cleaning up Huang Zu the army camp know that Huang Zu escapes, the week Yu leaves Lu Su to tidy up battlefield, oneself takes troops dynasty Huang Zu Zhui under go.The one party is the dog of funeral house, the one party is that the vehemence is like Hong, week Yu they after Huang Zu arrived to raise a people county city, made track for to come up.Huang Zu is original meaning to think into E city, can he knows Sun Ce didn't come to attackstone himself/herself in person, must be to go to E city, so, he doesn't dare to return to and intend for to go up north Xiang sun.But the week Yu is so quick and then make track for, he has to at raise a people's city abidance by treat to aid.Week Yu they then raise a people round and round round dead.
Sun Ce is very anxious to immediately fly to raise, personally catch Huang Zu, so what also neglected, pressed battalion rapid rush through to raise.River east the battalion is walking faster, there is a troops in ignorant front have been already waited Be getting more anxious.
Urgently walked faster for two day, iron beat of the body also can not stand, Sun Ce lives his/her own anxious mood according to the Na and issue order the battalion takes a rest for a night well, walks faster tomorrow morning and fights for for two days inside remit with week Yu to match.I steeped a whole body drench at river Shui-li, again hasty walked faster to blow breeze, are always uncomfortable for these several days, not only the wound on the leg, even originally old harm also dull pain, also a little bit get a fever on the body.Is strong to endure in the daytime unwell follow close behind Sun Ce Ce's horse to walk faster, the evening early and early stopped for rest.Sun Ce also sees me uncomfortable, although don't talk, worry unclearly still certain.
I sleep very safely this night, river the east also take a rest battalion very well, the rare equanimity is interrupted in the dawn in the army camp.Be urgently shouted to come to by the Sun Ce close soldier of I, to the eye see first of be be lifted into tent of bloody, careful on seeing, incredibly is the Yu that contacts a week of six lousy.The Sun Ce dignified appearance more just frightenned me:"Bo Fu had an accident?"
Heavy location in Sun Ce nods:"This boy handed over to you, must save to live him."
"Tell me, exactly what matter, does he how can become this appearance?What about male Jin?Isn't them ……"I am getting more hasty,the week Yu really get hurt severity, river east water soldier really ate to lost battle.
Sun Ce comforts me at once:"Have no, male Jin they are all right.BE six lousy say quasi-, the Jing state had relief troops to arrive.The enemy didn't go to and support Huang Zu as well as support E city, but ambush at front, wait me!The fool me of account to strive for is really severe."Although Sun Ce's tone is light, can the murderous look in the tone also let I 1 cringe.
"I am getting more understand.They first fool you to return to soldier with the disinformation, then up establish Fu halfway.Indeed as expected good stratagem, your weakness is very thoroughly exploited by somebody else.Six lousy discovered ambush, BE?"Suddenly realize, I saw one eye six lousy, this guy is really remarkable.
Sun Ce nods:"BE, he from male the Jin there come over to greet me and discovered an abnormality, be made track for shot by the enemy,Beats Detox.Escort his non-commissioned officer afraid is to all die, he he's body negative Related articles:

