
www.headphones-fashion.com is a demon fox I ju

Can with he together I satisfied.
Just and silently feel the person's breathing all, night a drink many wine suddenly and consumedly of ask:"Have not you already kept and raised feeling?She why different from your surname?"
All the person hears a night one words complexion appear very tiny variety, I hurriedly and worriedly say to him:"You listen to I explain, I am in fact-"
Haven't waited to finish saying the person all has already smiled to rub my hair to say:"Explain what?Wasn't your changing surname my daughter any more?You is all daughter of the my most precious amiability forever in the my eyes wave romantic feeling."
"All person …… I ……"
Each time all the person emphasize that I am his daughter own in the minds will appear one unspeakable of lose feeling, want clearly have been smiling to face a person all, clearly know oneself and all the person is impossible, but why the heart is all still so suffered, even connect the smiling faces on the face hard maintenance like that ……
When I make great effort to maintain smiling face, the white Yan suddenly and beside says:"In fact the feeling adult at the beginning would not likes to change a surname, either of, she really cherishes a surname of breeze, but forces too tightly to a clan that time day, three fire shadows the adult can't have to entrust the feeling adult to the Jing to work the minister Yu Zhi wave of troops rich Yue to keep and raise-"
"You say that the small feeling will change surname because of join the wave of Yu Zhi one clan but not because the pity cause of her mother?"
If the white Yan haven't waited to finish saying person all has already interrupted him, the voice unexpectedly and deeply wears one silk worry anxiously, the eyebrows also deeply wrinkles up to seem at deliberate what, I am amazing that the ground looking at him, all the person suddenly looks at me to say:"Small feeling, the ape flies adult to allow you to join the wave of Yu Zhi one clan have an arrangement task to you?"
"Task?What task ah?"
My doubt's saying, all the person hears the facial expression that I say so to then peep out to loosen tone and again touch my head to say:"Is my over sensitive, how may ape's flying adult make your so little kid get involved the affair in the village?"
"The business in the village?What affair ah?And the wave of Yu Zhi does one clan have a relation?What task do three fire shadow adults want to my arrangement?All the person says in detail some."
All person's language how the words of not known immediately hang up to have my curiosity, I right away flutter his arm don't depend on of cross-examine, all the person is asked by me can't, lightly knock my head to transfer a topic to say:"Still knew to call before I all uncle Ren, how direct now call my name?How to say that I am also that your nominal father isn't very good?"
Hear his words I right away the Jue rise a mouth to act in pettish of say:"No matter, the somebody else is to want to call like this you, I am to like to call you a person all, if you the turn me down cries to let you see!"
I say a small mouth one a flat appearance that plan opens to cry, anyway I now just 5-year-old shape, even if really cry out don't throw a person as well, see my eyes' inside fast- filling the air water fog, all the person has to surrender of say:"Calculated me to fear you, wipe the tears clean quickly, being already a ninja could forbid to cry a nose."
The words heard a person all compromise I can not help some most innocent smiling face of being happy, right away peeping out to hims, the outstanding acting skill of in the mind just satisfied oneself, but I suddenly thought of that by so doing I can not continue to ask, either just of question, indeed as expected not the Kui was a fire to copy adult ah, this recruited with back for enter of the military tactics is still really brilliant, I candidly admitted defeat.
BE worshiping matchlessly and looking at all a person, a hellish Die suddenly flies to go into toward us to inform mountain origin from the window way the total captain convene a brigade head meeting of notice, other captains hear the notices of hellish Die all start in succession only I don't move a place, I now care about all person, just don't want to leave him to take part in a boring captain meeting!
See public to hope my vision, I point at my own 5-year-old body form reason to keep annoying to strongly say:"I this appearance really isn't suitable for to take part in a captain meeting now, so I am on sick leave, the after the event knows meeting contents a meeting I 1 went."
Hear the sick leave reason that I match feeling reasonable them don't oppose as well, took left and then leave this room to go to some kind of brigades to take part in a captain meeting to go to with our several people, as for I then throw down blue dye, white Zai their pulling a person all is full of beans of run toward I's 11 brigades to, want to show him my to take turns brigade.
A burst of breeze run into the front door of 11 brigades, one regiment fire red object but suddenly appear at at present, settle Jing a see but is midway leave a field of nine tail demon fox, I looking at it amazes of say:"How did you run to my foreign brigade to come?"
"Are you the captain here?"
"BE ah, there is opinion?"
"Indeed as expected is you, you really of similar to me is nine tail demon fox."
All the person hears nine tail the absent-minded words knit the brows to say:"What are you exactly saying?The small feeling is mankind, how may be with your similar bewitching fox?"
Nine tails call a way to his Zi tooth:"This bond maid affirmation is a demon fox, I just just ran to went out and then meet a person who says "hello" with me, that person unexpectedly thought that I was his captain, so I lent machine to came over and see, bond maid since is the captain here that also affirmative is with my similar nine tail demon fox, otherwise how may someone admit mistake?"
"Who similar to you?The appearance for me to become demon fox can be much more lovely than you, how may be your this kind of brutish shape?Exactly is which idiocy admit mistake?"
My sense of right shouts of say, never the distance tree comes out behind of the temple Be originally excellent to raise hand to ashamedly say:"I hear Yu Zhi wave the captain can change the body becomes to have nine foxes of tails, so just saw him think that that is you, sorry, have already brought you to perplex."
Temple originally excellent big boy of this facial appearance comeliness gives my impression always quite good, so I also really not well again blame him, have to unwillingly say with smile:"It doesn't matter, I forgive you good."
I am saying suddenly and feel all the person projects to puzzle vision on me, right away smile slightly say to him:"I know that you have a lot of questions, I first arrange a room for you, then let's be slowly talking."
"Also arrange 1 for me."
Hear nine tails' requestings me taunt of say to it:"You are a great reputation of nine tail demon fox, I the place is shallow narrow, can not reach either at first here the environment of the ecosystem standard, which can make you bend to decline expensive ah, you or sought the place in some caves, ground hole to live to thoroughly integrate into great universe."
I praise clearly dark the words devaluating right away annoy nine tails enough Qiang, oneself's in the mind is just satisfied person all but suddenly say:"Small feeling, still let it lives to come in, I can also keep watch on it at any time in case it gives a new life into a disaster."
Since all the person has already opened mouth I also have to do accordingly, however arrange it where pour is to make me some to give a lot of care, the vision suddenly sweeps a temple originally in the excellent body, I get a brainwave to immediately say to him:"Temple originally, I remember you now is live a room alone, that bothers you to accept a new rommate."
Temple originally didn't°yet wait to talk nine tails have been dissatisfied of call a way:"Why do I want to live a room with this guy?"
"Will you tidy up room at ordinary times?Seek the individual shares household chores for you not good?Have never sought you to collect an accommodation fee Be getting more quite good.Temple originally, you take it to acquaint with room."
I say and then no longer manage nine tails and pull a person to all go toward I early consider that the good room walks to, if can I really want to thoroughly put out nine tails, so I need not worry the person all lefted me again, but thought of the words that it before says, I really worry to blare a person to will consequently have an accident, so just tolerate he continues at my in the moment sway leisurely, therefore don't have good facial expression to it, the that attitude overbearing fox still really makes people dislike.
Although nine tails make my mood a little bit a bit not good, however at all person of nearby soon before I forget not quick,www.headphones-fashion.com, delectation of pull he arrives at to be apart from my abode very about a to adopt light the very nice room let him see, because of always unmanned live so the inside is a little bit some dusts, originally all the person think that he or she begins to clean up, however be been positive by my righteousness language of expression of refuse, Related articles:

