
cnn done harm to our

A keg of Kaifeng spirits .relationresultAt this time;the afternoon sun is slowly declined ,golden beam onto the bloody battlefield fighters ,but with an otherwise peaceful .relationresult? Bass asked his bahai .
relationresultHisother voice caused Europe ,he answers: his bahai .Don that way !We all know that the bot will leave sooner or later ,his step is not an ordinary person can catch up .
, relationresultDon me as if what is legend like, I just luck .But still you feel shy ;first step to go to school . Said BOT gently punch in the ally shoulder .relationresultGot a punchof his Bahai turned, subtle said: before I just met you, I know you not average person ;you fight tough but have a good mind .
Always in the most dangerous time ,make the correct judgment .Fierce combat, on her majesty loyalty .These qualities in your body naturally converge into a temperament ;a satisfactory temperament .
relationresultWhen I came home on leave,the opinion of you told my father ,he said you were born to be a war ;people are willing to follow you to the death of the war .relationresultI donwhat is it right? Like what he said was so good .
But I know ;I like with you together ,regardless of is in the battlefield ,or in the normal ,worthy of your trust !relationresultMy brothers,I do not want you to leave blood banner .We should always together to fight to the death .
, relationresultTrueto his Bahai BOT nod ,he raised his wine and took a swig ,and using the right hand to wipe the mouth edge residual liquor .Said: know, I and you are willing to die together; and you go back to the light is my desire .
But we are brothers ,we still friends .We not only Orc warrior ,we were soldiers of the Empire ;His Majesty warrior .relationresultWe in order tosire hunting mainland ambition .relationresultIlove reading ,because books can tell me a lot ;I didn .
relationresultDo you rememberin Kansas when Hiro the words of adults ?I remember ,he was repeatedly mentioned ;if we only think about fighting madness, fearless and died .Won complete the ambition of her majesty .
relationresultWe need to learn,need to change .So I want to go to school ,and not for promotion to sergeant black silver ,but in order to better fight for your majesty . With these words, BOT vision has never left the fall sunset .
relationresultI think you now is simply a scholar ,well !I admit ;you said I didn understand ,but I know you are right !This is my established thinking ,from knowing you start . He will be extended to the front barrel up said bot .
relationresultBiharalso end up tonneau, his stuffy and said: don your words ,but you never miss .I have no doubt you, also do not plan to question .Just you suddenly want to go ,really annoying .
, relationresultMy brother .Just a few years ,I will come back to blood flag .We will be together !With wine . , relationresultHa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ! , relationresultAbantering tone make BOT two brothers ,into a smile .
He is always so; not often make fun of ,but once started ,words are very classic .relationresultThree soldiersso drunk ,constantly about not usually say topic .relationresultLillian to go back ,why don leave her ? Suddenly ,he asked a heavyweight problems .
relationresultBrotherwords let BOT holding barrel hand slightly off ,then he said : she has a home ,google!She wants to go home !I shouldn left her ? , relationresultWhat is not the !Do you want to leave her ? , relationresultIn europe .
I know what you want to say ;she is a beautiful woman ,is also a good woman .I admit that if we can continue to get along ,I will stay with her .I don is it right? Love ,but I know she is very attractive .
But she has to go home, go home is a happy thing . BOT is low head answered his question .relationresult was drinking his Bahai broke in : how do I think you seemed to be talking about a very complicated thing ?The elf is bot slaves .
Mara gave his .relationresultBOTlike if you enjoy ah !You how so strange ! , relationresultHelpless shakes his head,BOT look to be rather baffling the face of his Bahai : you don ,you will not understand !I and he in discuss things ,should have gone beyond what you understand the scope of .
relationresultSimple:Lillian in my heart not a slave ,she could become a slave is because of her family love .I admire her ;we killed many elves ?I support Kansas hundreds of elves are almost died in 1000th of US team hand ,Lillian is know these .
Can such a long time ,she has done harm to our behavior ?As long as he is willing to free in the wine ;put some poison ,we dead .But she never did it !relationresultPier childsaved her again ,so she knew Tun children died ,every day memorial .
Do you know ?The sacred way in Elven tradition ;is only used in the family .relationresultIn conclusionLillian not slaves ,has never been .She is a good woman ,good woman ! , relationresultHis Bahaikilled by saying some feel shy ,suffocating .
Finally said : feel good, you go to get what is ah .Said so much ? , relationresult. relationresultThe one hundred and five chapter of love , relationresultThis is your biggest difference ;his Bahai you have been used to fight and kill ,regardless of any problems to use simple rude way to solve .
The BOT is always very clear ,in the special things to use appropriate treatment . He smiled and took turns .relationresultHissomewhat esoteric expression let his Bahai puzzled ,stout warriors yells : what are you talking about ?How do I haven !When did you become so equivocate to speak ! , relationresultHa ha ha ,good !His bahai .
In fact, I think you said ;rushed to Lillian in hand .But if that way ;not the Lillian as slaves ?I said ,she is a good woman .She respects we orcs ,so I respect her .relationresultWe treatpeople never stop,cnn, it is because humans never will we orcs as a equal life ;as early as in ancient times ,they rely on a powerful national strength ,to send troops to attack us, we will in countless orcs genocide edge .
relationresultTheorcs are being killed if are stacking up words ;simply Bilal Ya Faith high .Such enemies of course we will slaughter and destruction came upon them .relationresultButLillian is not the same ,he never discriminated against our orc .
She is our friend !How can I like you said ,using a slaves way to treat her ?That doesn respect her BOT quickly explained .relationresultBOTpolite about did not get very good results ,because his Bahai Zou said: and do respect what relationship, we can not have robbing wedding custom between ? , relationresultYou know ;that is we orcs ,and even our Orc ;they took this thing also occurs in between the enemy ? He said with a smile .
relationresultOnce again wascountered by his Bahai ,do not speak .He picked up the barrel to the mouth ,the wine in the mouth before ,Facebook.Muttered : say so much nonsense ?If love should act !What ?If not to steal ,should also make the Lillian know your mind only ah !I don ;your mind is how ?During the war never seen you so hesitate . Related articles:

