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Also be startled at first ,Zong Tianxuan competed with Ye Muxue for the next day the main position, it leaves Muxue and Yang Yan range that, at that time all half believe and half doubt ,later the secret palace after the dissolution ,leaf Muxue several years did not appear ,will no longer refer to this matter .
Now Ye Muxue really became Yang Yan wife .relationresultAnd in those daysin the secret house, Ye Muxue and Zong Tianxuan two generation disciple most outstanding character ,is always the right on the other disciples like ,although now after a number of years, but she still in their eyes .
But just one against three ,did not fall ahull ,which over the years ,Ye Muxue quality and sophistication, so three people see she suddenly appears ,also became the wife of Yang Yan ,is still not by chaos ,no courage to go to Ye Muxue challenge .
relationresultThe less theirthree master wheel, other rebel nature not Yang Fu Ding opponents ,so Yang Fu fleet and the war and back ,gradually and the rebels out of distance ,to the imperial palace .
relationresultYe Muxue satback in the car ,Zhao like : sister ,you do not blame me just you and all things said ,just you and who said the secret palace will always have a life is ,to better take advantage of this opportunity ,and make a clean break with ,more simply .
, relationresultZhao Qianru alsopures colors: yeah !Now the west to the East Central Plains ,attack ,two line troops .It is the great song of ZTE ,recover lost opportunity .Usually I Song people ,should make concerted efforts to help the Imperial Army ,success is .
Zong Tianxuan and others just for that one ,not with the state as the read ,outright rebellion ,will make big Song court disturbances ,the restless ,the recovery plan will also be destroyed once ,so disregard the situation in general ,only for the selfish man ,there will be no good ,sister never read and former with friendship ,.
Must not . , relationresultYe Muxuelowered his head ,said: the two sisters say is ,in fact the secret palace in those days has been Swami dissolution ,had already ceased to exist ,cheap dr dre beats.Now I Yang family ,and is not a secret palace disciples .
Please rest assured that two sisters . , relationresultZhao Yueru shookher hand ,and the sound track : we know that this is too hard for you ,but the overall situation currently, not hesitate ,trade-offs ,rest assured ,we all believe in you .
, relationresultFifty-five health change ( below) , relationresultWhen theteam travel ,watching almost to the imperial .He heard both sides kill sound big, but also from numerous Rebel fleet ,to kill .
relationresultThe originalthree people such as Zhang Fangyuan by Ye Muxue approximation ,are at a loss ,just when Zong Tianxuan led the rebels to attack two thousand ,see three people here, also can strange ,hurried inquiry .
Three people are not hide ,will just happened to say again .relationresultInTianxuan a leaf Muxue also appears ,but also became Yang Yan wife ,nor from the furious, he and Ye Muxue don ,then is her guts ,beats by dre uk,on the performance of three also greatly dissatisfied ,but now time is pressing ,not blame them ,quickly and they hop soldiers in one place, continue to appreciate before .
relationresultBecauseYang Fu teams and two pregnant women ,also dare not horse bolted, therefore not gone far, was the rebels catch up ,only thirty or forty paces away .When they see that a number of the rebels are far more than the last ,nor by the head, but then from Imperial by less than two hundred step ,therefore Zhao Qianru also gave many ,he instructed the driver quickly to gallop ,and entered the imperial will say .
relationresultZong Tianxuan and othersto see Yang Fu teams, know the inside is the Yang Yan family ,see F1 suddenly accelerated ,but also know well, the rebels are large in number ,but it is full of the infantry, no horse army ,so it is difficult to catch up ,then said: brother ,brother Zhang Qin ,Liu brother, we come to chase .
Said display video ,and several more ,landing ,catch up with the team .relationresultThe rebelteams in the secret palace disciples and Zhang Fangyuan ,Qin Huang ,Liu Jingtian and so on several people ,coupled with the years of their training in good hands - outstanding also have more than 20 people ,also play video ,catch up .
relationresultWhen Ye Muxue saw thecase of Tianxuan to catch up ,but he sure to run ,immediately said: two sisters ,you fast-forward imperial ,I to remove retaining a . Said to get shadow into Zhao Qianru and he said: make shadow ,listen to mother ,mother of two ,dr dre beats,mother is coming in a minute .
Then open the door ,welcome to Zong Tianxuan .relationresultZhao Yueru andZhao Qianru do not trust her a man after busy call iron ,forest ,Gu Xueping ,Ling Xiang, with dozens of people leaving ,helping Ye Muxue against a .
relationresultTheLX ,came to Ye Muxue each holding weapons ,be prepared to meet the challenge .Zong Tianxuan et al .,was also not lift absurd .So slow down ,the team ran farther ,and gates to open, apparently ready to pick a team into the imperial city .
relationresultInTianxuan see, know no longer possible to catch the team hated ,hated : leaf Muxue ,how dare you appoint to marry in Yang Yan, betrayed the secret palace ,so as to afford ,master ? , relationresultAt this timeYe Muxue has been restored to its former quiet calm appearance, light path: Swami in six years ago by the dissolution of the secret palace ,don know ?The secret palace since one does not exist ,and betrayal ! , relationresultInTianxuan speechless ,but immediately added: palace after three hundred years ,more than 20 generation ,by swami ,and can no longer exist .
I not only to the children palace ,hundreds of years foundation be destroyed on one day ,just get in and brothers ,reconstruction of secret palace ,the palace for reforming reputation ,pay off old scores ,and why not .
You also secret palace former disciple ,unwilling to return to that house only, still marry Yang Yan ,assisting the enemy ,to not betray ? , relationresultYe Muxue remainedcalm : between Yang Yan and me the thing ,still get Swami permission, your letter or letter ,or not ,I don do more to explain .
To be you ... ... , relationresultZong Tianxuanstartled, said: how can I ? , relationresultYe Muxuesaid : the secret palace cold die out ,what is the reason ,do you remember? Not because you blarney ,color ,or Swami and everybody happy uncle ,in support of Zhao Kai .
To suffer a big secret palace ,if you had listened to me ,that the palace there will be today .Now you don remember the first training ,even paranoid coup, find the son, at the expense of the great song recovery plans ,a brother ,brother ,brother Liu Qin ,matter to this day ,you can believe in him ? , relationresultYe Muxuesaid ,it was revealed Zong Tianxuan weaknesses ,make him suddenly become angry and red-faced ,then the other rebels were to catch up ,in a Tianxuan the swords ,and said: all of you ,kill them all .
, relationresultThenlisten to whoosh whoosh whoosh ,, sound ,from Ye Muxue et al .Shoot a arrow .Only Zong Tianxuan and a few other martial arts people waving arms ,pull disrupted arrow ,other rebel soldiers can not their abilities ,and without armor or shield ,in promoting not urgent case ,was immediately shot a row, the other rebels met ,are instinct receding ,the team immediately chaos .
Have scattered escape ,bows and arrows, even in the Tianxuan is irrepressible .relationresultEverybody trying to take advantage of the opportunity to kill it , a song will come to the front ,said: the iron guard ,Cheng Ling company ,we back into imperial .
, relationresultTie Chenglinand Gu Xueping are the palace guards ,know this song is holding the Japanese regulatory Yan wei .relationresultThe originalhouse on St. armies ,division holding the arch is dedicated to protecting the Imperial City ,the maintenance of healthy city in public security ,military turns Rong Wei palace ,five days changing ,today holding the Rong Wei Yan Wei palace ,right shift .
Zhao Chen Gu Xueping received the notice, immediately brought Yan Wei ,he gathered the imperial palace life guards ,adherence to the palace, Zhao Chen also personally on the wall to see . Related articles:

