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After this ,strict pistil before: Your Highness, Rui Yan injury ,can not give the princess to welcome you ,please forgive me princess , relationresultTasselbusy and greeted Zhao Qianru sat down, Zhao Qianru found that strict pistil ten fingers is also wrapped in white gauze ,heart can not help but some sorrowful ,she also heard Rui Yan received severe punishment, but did not expect so badly ,after more than a month ,still can ,said: strict pistil the girl injury has not been good ?It not to bother , relationresultRui Yansmile: that is easy enough ,but to have more than two months ?Princess anything to ask me please directly ask ? , relationresultZhao Qianru: I only hope he nodded her strict pistil between you and Yang Yan all the things in great detail tell me ,OK? , relationresultRui Yansaid: although I am in the wounds, but also know that Yang Yan and I do, outside is spread by raise a Babel of criticism of the princess ,don hear ? , relationresultZhao Qianru smiledsaid: that is just repeat word for word what others say ,circulate erroneous reports .
Not really. I want to know is what it was really like , relationresultRui Yanwas silent for a moment ,then slowly : princess ,even if you knew what it was really like and how ? , relationresultZhao Qianru stared atRui Yan ,said: know ,always do not know better than girls .
Rui Yan ,you say, is it right? ? , relationresultRui Yanheard ,slowly : Okay ,I tell you all . Then the self has life ,how to do a prostitute .And how I met Yang Yan ,in the Bell Tower and Drum Tower through the stormy night ,behind and in Tang Zhongyou was brought to trial in Ling ,somehow into Yang Yan Zhu Xi forced himself admitted to having an affair and Yang Yan ,do not hesitate to use large ,beat her covered all over with cuts and bruises ,if not that day Yang Yan arrived in time to save yourself from lobby ,but will be dead in prison under the and so on through relate in detail and said to Zhao Qianru ,some things even tassel is also the first time that .
relationresultFinally,Rui Yan said: the princess ,I said that every word is true ,between Yang Yan and I absolutely pure ,applied without any personal relationships . , relationresultZhaoas she hit the stands up to Rui Yan Shi ,a ceremony : Rui Yan girl ,thank you to tell me everything about it .
Until she knows where it completely at ease .Yang Yan tried to save Yan Rui just out of a chivalrous heart ,not because a strict pistil of having an affair .It is fringed said, Yang Yan still care about their own .
relationresultTassel: as she hit the girl ,you still blame brother ? , relationresultZhao Qianru smiledand said: great husband when it is somewhat do not be somewhat ,strict girl can not framed in his Gan were tortured ,how he can in order to save power and have been since ,on the strict girl ignore ?He can ignore odd risk, to Ling lobby to save Yan girl ,and can ignore people will talk.
,took her home to rest ,that is the husband of the doings .Also have only such person ,can be my husband of Zhao Qianru . , relationresultHere,she suddenly realized I spilled the beans on the face ,can show an Hongxia ,smiled and said: so that you laughed ,but I just mentioned is my mind .
, relationresultTwo Princess mind 3 , relationresultRui Yanthen found the princess really be liberal and dignified ,Artist Series,not uncommon ,is not unusual for a woman ,can not help but sincere heart to her birth .
Think :only like the princess such talent ,talent and Yang Yan .But now the two marriage but has been cancelled .Thinks of here ,my heart saddened .relationresultWhen Zhao Qiansmiles said: well, I want to ask and asked the girl to say ,Yan also said, I will go .
Another time I in to visit Yan girl . Speak to Rui Yan Shi a ceremony ,turned and headed out the door .Tassel quickly got up ,send her out .relationresultHomehappened Yang Yan natural know nothing at all ,he was with the Xie Yuanqing Caravan Road headed south .
Again marched out later ,http://www.beatsbydrinus.com,caravan line take nearly two hours ,only to the sun ,finally turned yellow hey ridge ,arrived in Qiyang county .relationresultQiyang countyis a county ,no large shop and .
So Xie Yuanqing makes a person find a Hacienda spend the night .They settled later ,Xie Yuanqing immediately called to cooking ,arrange food .The caravan were grateful to Yang Yan for uniform robber ,saved the whole caravan thought ,he was eager to serve .
relationresultAfter ameal ,to do a good job .Although it is borrowed others stove ,also placed under a table comparing big food and drink .Xie Yuanqing immediately asked Yang Yan to sit down ,pushing him seats .
Yang Yan wedge force decline, finally let Xie Yuanqing do the main seat ,Yang Yan was visiting ,and asked his wife ,sister, Liu steward ,a steward and Ali to accompany .relationresultAtall while eating and drinking, while chatting ,Yang Yandao : I thank the members with caravans to Guangzhou to do business .
, relationresultXie Yuanqingsaid: in the native state science ,from generation to generation are mainly to do business overseas .Only in charge of the family business began in large song inland develop business ,so they opened a restaurant in Ling .
But did not give up the overseas business .This time our goods are transported to Guangzhou city park division on board ,and then sold to go overseas .And in the house and in the static River under a firm ,where there is a lot of intestinal ,together .
, relationresultYang Yan in Lingwere also common in the Gulf of Hangzhou port in a large number of overseas cargo arrival ,arrived in Korea ginseng ,musk ,tiger ,Luo Tian ,Japan of alluvial gold ,mercury ,sulfur ,wood and other material .
Therefore asked : why not thank members from Ling city park division goes to sea ,to come to Guangzhou to . , relationresultXie Yuanqingsaid: Ling division of the ship is mainly to Japan ,Korea ,and other places of flow for the .
The main business is in Southeast Asia area ,closed three Foqi ( a door ,inside a person ) Po ,Po ray ,MAIT ,pagan ,true wax and Western food, Tianzhu ,Ceylon countries .These places by the Guangzhou sea much closer .
, relationresultYang Yanon the beach where interested ,said: these places Xie members have been to ? , relationresultXie Yuanqingsmile: say to be ashamed ,but these places in a no male .
Liu and Zhang steward steward was young to learn and is often the boat out to sea ,have been to many places .However, our experience is the most widely available is Ali . , relationresultAlismiled and said : this is not I make impertinent remarks ,but that the world can go to places I have visited .
, relationresultXie Yuanqing alsostopped, this before: ,not make impertinent remarks , should be talk wildly . , relationresultAlialso winced, feel shy smile : Chinese is so complex, I mean it .
I am what you say black big food ,my house is white ( capital ) to an aristocratic family ,generation is keen to go out of business,cheap dr dre beats, but also is an adventure .I am from the age of thirteen ,following the family around 20 years ,almost to all can go places .
, relationresultYang Yandao: Ali ,you have been to those places . , relationresultAliis built to talk ,listen to Yang Yan so ask ,then off the reel about his experience . At the age of thirteen, I was with the family together to Obaro mainland business .
, relationresultYang Yandao: Obaro continent? What kind of place is it? , relationresultXie Yuanqingsaid: I heard it in the big westward . , relationresultAli:he nodded this one goes out, along which arrived in Istanbul ,Athens ,Sparta ,Rome ,Florence ,Venice ,Gaul ,a total of over seven years before being returned to white as .
Two years later ,I again with a caravan along the road ,along the way through increasing root Tuo ,Moga hunt ,Ceylon ,chola ,South adjoin ,quilon ,Foqi in three ,after three years from the Quanzhou shore to kick song . Related articles:

