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The good idea contributes to the college, can you be too from Be getting more vulgar."
Deng Ai's cerebellum bag keeps on being low, face red red of, mean to say words and don't dare.I am happy:"See, say you from vulgar, you and then from Be getting more vulgar.BE not talk not too benefit Suo, these little colleague again can't joke you.Moxa son remembers this sentence that I tell you:Full stomach rich brocade I know oneself, thousand say ten thousand my matter of reviewing to allow him, doing not closes.Ha ha, come, go to there, your stop being afraid loudly says and says to let us listen to, says to let the sun listen to and makes Tashan able to also hear your voice."
Deng Ai sees us, and then wants to think, then walks to suppressed an along while strength moreover and simultaneously, towarded Tashan"" get up.Hear from valley, Zhao Qin runs to nearby, he learned his appearance and also shouted loudly.Momentary, these kids are all unwilling to fall behind a sort, in addition to Guo runs to them to nearby hurtle valley to yell as well and all.The childish voice spreads back in the valley and bring us endless happiness of at the same time, also bring one silk heroism.

Chapter 230 heart has to fasten(1)

Fight both with open and secret means an article-chapter 230 heart to have to fasten
After returning to°from Mount Taishan Luo sun, was already summer May, went on an expedition the battalion that the man wins be still just whole to pack due-out, have already discussed the business of celebration dinner in Luo sun city.Xu Shu also returned to°from the life spring Luo sun, Xun 彧 one disease didn't rise, and the construction of the rear canned not get away from him.The Cao held to promote Cao Pi and put the Ye city guard the broad world of the yellow river north shore and rise Cao to plant to win for three soldier Lang school, taking at nearby to the man.The outsider seems again normal however of arrangement, see in the my eyes, is at give Cao blunt Teng seat.Indeed as expected, after Cao Pi leaves, the Cao hurtles with learned of the name of son return to Cao house, right away be held by the Cao settle for his taking charge of of Wei Wang Fu after walking, the week doubts not, Ma Liang be together adjusted into Wei Wang Fu to serve as the prime minister mansion book case with Yang Xiu, let at the same time Xu Shu and Cui Yan assistance the Cao hurtle to manage his governmental affairs after walking.The arrangement that the Cao holds all aroused not small vibration outside the home house, but faced Cao to hold emotionless persistence, and then had who will touch bad luck?
I express a carriage for hasing nothing to do with me to these matters, although I was Cao to hurtle for 7 years, the affair of adopted father held many confidents in the Cao in is no longer a secret, as for personnel arrangement that hold to the Cao, I am to don't interfere with, not participation, ignore, finish to completely and all deny all knowledge of event, don't need the affair that I worry, I am lazy to do a lot of thinking.Say again, my current idea don't put as well on this matter, but the Human body of that direction in Yangtze River up.
After returning to Luo sun, the family give me the news of a heap of river's east, there of waiter river east half year come of the intelligence report sent to come over, especially Sun Ce's news.The person of river's east such as I think, not only is to hate me deeply, even my bringing their advantages be all spread by their beard for my especially the idea cheat and arrange, even even I save Sun Ce and week Yu also be said by them my intentionally arrangement, but I am in fact the mastermind of those cutthroats.For these matters, I just deeply sigh tone to throw at part, the friend changes enemy after, these are the very normal reactions, have no the necessity explain and also have no necessity to realize.
Let the affair that I care is Sun Ce, he got sick, isn't now, but after knowing my true identity big disease 1.Concrete circumstance they don't know as well and just knew this news from occasionally arrive Sun Fu Jia on the wine shop, week Yu always at set up an industry live half year just return to firewood mulberry, be because Sun Ce's disease lies to.
Looking at very thin slip in hand, my heart seethes badly, unspeakable taste Chong Ying in the interval.Sun Ce incredibly will because my business gets sick, and is a big disease, he indeed as expected through can not stand my beguilement.Have never explained on the news he current body condition, can I can imagine of to current of he definitely there are no the past days doing not restrain of laughter, have no sing boisterously the fascination that the Hao drinks.After my design killed Sun Quan in those early years, Sun Ce was very also painful depressed for a long time, I can't forget, either during a lifetime he at that time head the appearance that cover up in my bosom to weep over, that time of he is so of pain and sufferings, so helpless.But current of he?The stroke this time is what I bring him, far far much bigger than the stroke of Sun Quan's dead, current of he even my embrace also have no, again last where vent this kind of pain and sufferings.
In the home sit to lie not and rather after two days, I the mental state of really beyond control I's fluster, run to Xu Jia.The dismay that faces my heart, Xu Mu contemplate for a long time, just ask me:"Are you to intend to go again once?"
I have already hesitated to nod for a while:"BE.I ain't really rest assured.Bo Fu's health condition although it is said always very good, but he advertises for to fight battlefield for these years and also experienced many distress.The past days were battles to wear body well, don't develop trouble, can this time, I am greatly worried about him disease after, body perhaps and greatly and rather before.Is alas, spread to come over of news too misty."
"That you had to miss they whether welcoming you is past?"
The vision that faces Xu Mu's visit, my wry smile:"Welcome?There the many people may all want to eat me.Mother, I understand your meaning, you are to worry my safety.I am also clear, really pass by result perhaps difficult anticipate.But, I try very hard to inhibit myself, can cannot inhibit.Don't see Bo Fu Yi's side, I, I, I don't know I can cook past."
Xu Mu is silent for a while, sigh to start, take me to to garden walk:"Such as, the Niang comprehends this kind of mood of yours, can Zi matter the body is big, you must think.All of the matter just pass by how long, you sat not to live again, you once thought even if you can from the river east whole body but back, this place?Return ability again of peace?"
"This place?Mother, this, I still really have never thought.I just miss Bo Fu to see on the former personal relationship, is least likely to harm me, he is after all a person who weighs friendship very much.And other persons don't have his order, don't dare to harm me as well!As for this place, I can beg for allowing of winner's Mr..I lead a river with the identity of making the minister, how do you feel?"
"H'm, this viewpoint is quite good.Although I don't know outside concrete situation,I imagine river's east also can't because of your one person's life and death but with hastily open hostilities here.Sun Bo Fu be really you say so open and aboveboardly, the heroism is full of, can't even kill you, with that the downfall teaches a person with the handle of not righteousness gossip."Xu Mu noded.
I consumedly breath a sigh of relief, Xu Mu's intelligence imitated a Buddha to eat one for me to fix mind pill.See my to resemble Huang and helpless, Xu Mu Wei is tiny a smile:"If Mr. Cao allows you to go to, you trust go.The Niang has way to protect you to have no matter.Just, like son, if doesn't Sun Bo Fu put you back?Did you can once think this?"
I kick the stone head of the side of feet stuffy track:"I am to make minister,cnn, he detains to make minister say however go to?If really need to detain me, I also have no idea and had to free to him.However, mother, you know my skill, as long as they have a little bit negligence, I can slip away back.Ha ha, my secret they aren't omniscience ways!"There is secretly helping each other of the wine shop waiter, my wanting to leave to set up an industry isn't a difficult matter either, Sun Ce impossibly and publicly jails one to make minister, but keeps under house arrest, Hey Hey.
"You ah!"Xu Mu is on my forehead lightly at 1:00:"In fact the Niang doesn't agree with you to go to, but know your temper, once the affair wanting to do will think that the square tries to do.Is alas, like son, haven't you seen your own pure heart?"
"My heart?"I the doubt ground saw one eye Xu Mu, then suddenly:"Ha ha, does the mother say that my heart has to belong to?Hey Hey, I explained white with Zhuge Liang, hereafter want equity to fight, he again lose, have no the place can escape.As for Bo Fu, ha ha, I am really a took him for elder brother, be like to concern elder brother Yun to his concern."
"Is alas, listen to a words of Niang, some affairs you don't want to persist too much.You are being true to lead a river this time, in case of Sun Bo Fu to you excessively, you aren't insisting a man body.A Ba lord hero, always can't move to kill heart to a young girl, besides be several times mutually saved to his you."
My face a red:"Mother, lo you say of, really want to do so, Bo Fu isn't willing to even put me back.Say again, you teach the child how to use Related articles:

