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Sichuan ,reported the mission by .Lu You arrived in Tibetan ,Tibetan king refused to meet Lu You ,the minister responsible for reception of Lu You sternly asked ,a song to denounce the potential .
Lu You is a great song behavior strongly defended ,and send the gift ,but it can ease the tense atmosphere .relationresultSuddenly one day,the minister went up ,and the monarch also summoned Lu You ,although still have not allowed to bypass the question for Lu You ,but the tone to the alleviated many .
Lu You is also quite humble apologies .The king also said ,in Tubo and song good old sake, also won held accountable ,and write down the credentials please Lu You back, and said the Tibetan also plans to send a mission to visit the great song .
So Lu You was with the credentials ,leaving the monarch and his subjects, with a return to the big song .relationresultThe originalidea for bypass Tibetan ,Tibetan Zhaoyeshangxia will be filled with righteous indignation ,demanded the king decreed to generals ,each request is more ,to attack the big song .
Is actually see Western Xia and Jin to Tufan attack song ,also feel be an opportunity ,can just use this as an excuse ,also captured a few big song of the land ,a piece of the action .
relationresultBut soonthe army by Song Jun played and defeated ,fifty thousand army loss half, the army to retreat to the news after the stop immediately ,the many ,it seems that Song Jun is not as good as the original request to deal with ,the Secretary also have came again, never mention to thing .
Then the Jin army retreated ,withdrawal of the customs three county news ,the domestic is no longer present Tibetan soldiers .The monarch also summoned Lu You ,reiterated the Tubo and song to continue friendly ,and intends to send a mission to visit the great song ,to inquire about the actual song ,intended to do .
relationresultAfter listening to Lu Youafter Yang Yan Lu You ,praised it, then accept the credentials ,let Lu You down for a rest .relationresultYang Yanon the Tibetan affairs are not placed on the heart ,because now the Western Xia Dynasty and Jin to retreat ,only the one country to fear, even if the plan to the United Western Xia and Jin troops ,success is not said ,even to reach a joint ,troops also not immediately finished ,at least half a year from now .
At that time the great song can vacate a hand to .relationresultTherefore,Yang Yanhe Wang Yan ,Yang Zhaoguang ,Wang Yan et al .,adjustable rhubarb East ,support Huguang ,Jiangnan resistance the Jin army .
But the army of the mobilization of starting is not a day for two days to complete ,but the heart of Huguang ,Yang Yan Jiangxi area war emergency ,can ,so they decided ,by Yang Yan with twenty-five thousand horse first in reinforcements ,leaving Wang Yan ,Yang Zhaoguang ,Wang Yan et al in Sichuan army in preparation .
Guarantee in one month ,from Sichuan dispatched one hundred thousand troops ,reinforcements ,the Jiangnan area during Anti gold battle .And will the credentials to Wang Yan ,let him give yourself is to court .
relationresultFollowingYang Yan in twenty-five thousand men ,including his wind brings all generals Sagittarius ,others are yellow in the elite ,most of them follow Yang Yan attended on the Western Xia and Jin fight ,on Yang Yan command and dispatch is relatively familiar .
But because Song Jun wrested from the nearly twenty thousand horses, therefore this plain except for Yang Yan the original two thousand cavalry ,and from rhubarb selected by the five thousand cavalry ,but all changed from the spoil of the horse .
relationresultThe SichuanRoad still choose Yang Chuan Yanjin when walking on the road, from Jinzhou to the Hubei Road ,the Xiangyang government reinforcements .But the soldiers in combat ,were all very tired ,in order to allow the soldiers to rest, Yang Yan decided to go to sea, by river boat in .
So Wang Yan ordered prepared Sanbaisishiduo ships ,sent Yang Yan a line in .relationresultAfter fivedays and five nights non-stop voyage, in fleet arrived in Beijing West Road Longshan area are state .
relationresultWanyanlong leave Huai West Ling Jing Lake area gold jun-quan by Wanyan Chen and control .Now the army defeated two ,West is the gold will Yang Woyan led thirty thousand troops ,from Nanyang to the troops ,captured the actinic army ,now garrison in Lu Yan ,attack Xiangyang house .
Road is the Wanyan Chen monk led fifty thousand troops ,attacked Xinyang army .This is a song by Guo vibration rate of twenty thousand people at the Xiangyang house, resist Yang Woyan .
Li Xianzhong rate of forty thousand troops ,stationed in Xinyang army ,and Kwangju Wanyan Chen monk on hold .Qi Fang ,Chen Min garrison in Hanyang army stationed in Ezhou .Both sides to hold more than two months ,who are the first to approach one step closer .
relationresultAllcounty is located in Xiangyang house northwest ,is all States ,Xiangyang house and actinic army three county border areas .From actinic military legacy actinic city only a dozen miles .
relationresultSong Jun inall county disembarked ,Yang Yan immediately leading toward the actinic city .These five days, for all on board ,also get adequate rest .Be full of go .After all ,more than a dozen miles with no half an hour away .
relationresultBecause ofGolden West army main force is attacking Xiangyang house, only five thousand troops stationed in the city of photochemical .But no one thought of song suddenly from plain out ,so the defenseless actinic .
As to the song ,Jin will immediately panic .Not an hour ,just off the Song Jin army, against actinic ,beats dr dre.relationresultSeize thelight of later, Yang Yan immediately. Liu Renxian led the ten thousand song set out north, all the way up the flag ,put up a pageantry ,sufficient momentum, Jactitation to Dengzhou .
He is leading in the photochemical army and Dengzhou border ambush ,ready to ambush will Dengzhou golden army .Then ordered his men to send to Xiangyang Shou Guo vibration ,tells of his own to the removed actinic army ,Yang Woyan will soon be withdrawal ,and asked him to withdraw from Xiangyang immediately after Yang Woyan ,troops ,attack the Jin army .
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Also heard that Song Jun by attacking Dengzhou ,more do not sit .If Dengzhou fell again ,song can not only cut off their way out ,and now he led the Golden Army main force attacked Xiangyang ,Dengzhou ,Nanyang and other places ,Tang ,song empty armed forces ,also will be a Rd.
, Nanyang direct attack .relationresultSo Yang Woyancan only believe it ,not without its letter ,do not have to attack Xiangyang palace ,leaving ten thousand troops continued in Lu Yan and Song Jun to hold ,in case Song Jun chase .
His troops back to personally led twenty thousand soldiers to rescue Dengzhou .relationresultBecause Yang Woyandid not know Song Jun actual situation ,just want to get to Dengzhou ,thus constantly urging the Jin army quickly ,the Jin army breath running more than 60 ,arrived at the river edge .
Here to enter the border of Dengzhou ,the river ,to walk six or seven miles to get to Dengzhou city .And Dan river water is not wide ,also has the Jin army on the river by the four pontoon .
relationresultAlthoughit was dusk ,and along the way, also found no trace of song ,but Yang Woyan still is not at ease ,decided after troops across the river ,keep moving, this must be rushed to Dengzhou city again rest .
relationresultAnd when Yang Yanled to the song ,is hidden in the jungle river upstream of the Golden Army across the river .Floating river is not only wide ,containing two parallel ,so the twenty thousand golden army want all through the white water you need an hour time .
Although anxious to return to Dengzhou ,but Yang Woyan is also not the effect ,still on the Bank of the river done defend the work, only the Golden Army to cross the river .relationresultYang Yan smiledand said: you see ,Yang Woyan is well versed in the art of war ,and the people ,know in the river when it is absolutely not panic .
Although anxious to return to Dengzhou ,but still ordered five thousand Jin Bingxian on the river junction array ,provide against any misfortune ,and then let the group to turn to cross the river .
And across the river ,and immediately on the other side node array Jinbing defense .It is deep and forces of the road .Your future if leading to cross the river ,so must learn his arrangement . Related articles:

