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, "I visit a line, that worry dream you again hard for a while". Worry dream Pie my an eye say, "you now chase me be carter, I go to all right, but you properly wear everyone's noodles close I one mouthful, can not also elaborate me, let I feel you are to really want to kiss me, otherwise, even if went to, I will also say something against you at your mother-in-law's in front", say, she arrived my behind in quick time, and Zi dream part 1, stand on my behind. The Zi dream was by hand knocked she says, "you don't make and is so many people's noodles, you let he how not bashful?". "Elder sister, this you don't take care of, these are our conditions, baby, hurry, you keep elder sister waiting long, will beneficial interest of, by that time Hou close I at least want for more than 10 minutes of" says, from said to push my chair to come up from the words ground, a bottom sat to in my thigh. Zi dream they have to smile to see worry dream to commit tomfoolery, if dream and small girl smile more to get red in the face, and wait to see me will how deal with her. They where know, deal with worry dream, I always from recognize not to go, in addition to surrendering, the dint basically didn't ward off, deliberation a short moment, she the deep feeling ground looking at her, to she the sexy charming fragrant lips kept on kissing, I swear and see her charming joss-stick lips, I is cannot help but wanting to kiss, definitely have no the least bit idea of elaborating. Don't thought of, our lips just- come in contact with time, the worry dream standing of Teng, had his face raddens all over ground to escape small son their body went to beside and also said, "baby, your look in the eyes contains electricity quantity too high, elder sister afraid get an electric shock, calculate you passed". Many beauties ha ha the ground smiled. In a short while, worry dream and if the dream drives back after slightly preparing if the home town of dream went.Just before walking, be I give if the dream filled 10,000 dollars money as the gift for her mama of time, I see Zi dream and worry dream alone and together whisper for a long time, the facial expression is a bit mysterious. We heavy return to after the office, I say to the Zi dream, "Zi dream, you and small cloud arrive each section of company and car turn, I now want an affair of handling manager Liu right away, didn't accompany you", finish saying, I stired an extension, is Li Nuo's office. "Feed, president, have what order?", Spread the voice of the bell sort of Li Nuo Yin in telephone. ", You arrive I inside in the office come for a while". "Boon, good of", one small meeting son, Li Nuo arrives at my office. "Come, I to introduce for a while, this is the foreign trade department manager Li Zi Meng, is my form master, you can call her Zi elder sister Meng, this is my classmate Zheng Xiao Yun is also a foreign trade department of" I say to them, .I introduced Zi dream and small girl to Li Nuo first. Immediately after, I say to two of my beauties, "she is my daddy's secretary,http://www.outletmonsterbeatsinuk.com, is Li Nuo, now is my business assistant, is the company current business all taken care of by her!Wait company steady after settling down, I make her take the business condition that I go out to understand our company". "Pain, very handsome young girl, like stem, our president can't maltreat yours" the Zi dream satisfaction ground looking at Li Nuo to say, . Li Nuo also smiles to say to the Zi dream and the small girl, "are you just really beautiful!Just you a few companies arrive at time, you guess how the person of our company says and say,dr dre beats, we this city is also very difficult to find out a while severals are like you so beautiful beauty". I say to Li Nuo, "Li Nuo, you take right away two of them acquaint with company environment, arrive downstairs' of time, you conveniently manager Liu call come up, I want to dismiss him now, you see how?". "Boon, I feel can, he is foolish now at this planning department is falsely also job, have no matter to do, nothing but said company and your ill, provoke leave, stir up the management order of company, earlier make him leave well", Li Nuo seem and hear what some negative newses concerning Lius. "Okay, that you call him to come up" I say, . The Zi dream goes out with them of time, turned head to say a voice to me, "attention processing the way of problem, don't be extreme, know?What we want is result, as long as it's enough that he walked and also have no necessity to go smash into with him, no matter how it is, he always classified to close a surname to once do contribution, get the Rao person's place and Rao person, know?". I ordered to nod to say, "stop worrying!I knew". After about 5 minutes, someone knocks on door, I know, and affirmation is manager Liu, "just come in". Sees manager Liu be dressed in the whole body pen stands of the lounge suit walked to come in, I felt very strange, this all what the weather he can be dressed in lounge suit and also beat a tie and see to this person's personality have a little weird. I am blunt once he smile and say, "come, manager Liu, Please sit down". Manager Liu also to once I smile, but his always give me a kind of felling that is hard to cut and polish in smiling face, he says"thank!Think necessarily the president has important business to seek me!", Then, sat down in front at me. "Also have no, be want to chat with you, I hear, you you also want to do clothing now, rightness?", I came straight to the point ground to correspond topic. Once manager Liu listen to, the full face surprised E ground looking at me, obviously, he didn't thought of that I directly correspond topic again. He pays falter I the ground say, "president, did you where know?". I say with smile, "this isn't the key of problem, I am think like this, you want your own stem, this is the good matter, everybody has his/her own ideal and ambition, if you definitely settled down, I will support yours, I will support for you on the funds and the business, but I have a condition, as long as you can make, I will definitely carry out my commitment to you of". If manager Liu listenned to me and seem to be very surprised, he embarrassedly asks a way, "president, what condition do you have?".I say that"manager Liu, my condition is easy, if you really come to a decision you's list to do, you have to promise you disadvantageous use falsely be means to pass the surname carry on revenge and stroke, you can not make use of to close the network of the surname to develop youself, if you promised my condition and counteracted the way of written commitment to write down, I will definitely support yours, although, speak from the age and the experience, you are my elder generation, I pass the poem Xia talk to keep one's promise and absolutely count;If you different idea or don't promise my condition, recklessly make reprisals a stroke pass surname, that I definitely keep company with throughout and determinedly backstroke, do you see?", Finish saying, I die hopeless situation to stare at him with eyes. Came out sweat gradually on manager Liu's forehead, he wore lounge suit, so I don't dare to affirm as well exactly is that he guiltily emits sweat still he wears of the clothes are too many reason. Considered a short moment, he talked, "president, since you pick words all clear, that I also clear person not do a dark matter, I really do in the list, factory premises and equipmentses all get ready, originally I was to think that some business relations and resources that made use of to close a surname developed their themselveses, the writing form promised also not write, but I was talking of Liu to count, I am after going out will neverWilling make it lively for to close a surname isn't another, but I beat an in the mind to admire you this young man, really the young are to be considered with resp, near future, closing the surname will definitely develop more outstanding of, prepare first to wish you successfully", say, manager Liu stood up to stretch out a hand. I hesitated for a while, also stretched out a hand and held to hold with him. Immediately after, he says, "president, you see me is when carry out the procedure of leaving office?". If I say that" if is convenient, you can do now, moreover, I will give you one more months of wages and also thank you these in the last yearses to thank you to the contribution of pass surname!". Manager Liu stands up and said a voice, "thanks!The president, the young man, likes stem, unlimited future, work to manage beneficial have stanza, Zhang Chi has a degree, remarkable, is the breeze of father, see again,beats by dre uk!", Say, left office. He is an office, I stired a telephone for pass Ling and told her the wages for giving manager Liu for one more months. At noon, Zi dream and small girl accompanied me to have a work meal together with personnel in the office, everyone is mutually know for a while, because of mostly female kid, so, Zi dream and small girl soon got along well with them and got along with very naturally harmonious, particularly is Li Nuo and small girl the good elephant have meet of minds, two what people chatted doesn't as well enjoy to shout! Finish eating lunch, Zi dream they followed me to return to office. After coming in, I turn head to say to the Zi dream and the small girl, "understand in the morning of how?What precious opinion?". "Temporarily have no, the personnel of office is easy, what everyone got along with is quite good, to we also pretty friendly;Person in the car is too many, but the employee's work enthusiasm is also quite good, the atmosphere is very good, all busy of, not disorderly in the favour Related articles:

