
Beats by Dre Just Beats full is doubt he is

Biggest extraordinary effect."
"Is very good, that like this performance." Kang Si nods permission, the order immediately kept on informing.
Annihilate soldier of Kui about and first division, the beginning fixs in that big camp whole, they get into big before the camp led the mountain spring in the valley to encampment, dismissed every day annoyance of carrying water, also let this steppe have the foundation of ranch at the same time.
After still being training second division to start receiving to garrison a task, the first division rushes toward to go to sea spring and saves right away.
The Kui soldier's regression that once escaped a to rob along with the good luck, sea spring's saving up and down has been already known, Kai Er especially first division while striking against the warlord of Kang Si whole army is routed, connect Kai Er this commander in chief especially also the Yao have no news.
Seven emperor the son mean the indignation to the warlord of Kang Si the first time and immediately after relied on the troops' support to control to save city.
This time, people of this world immediately drive seven emperor the son got a fright.
This originally just the kinds of goods of puppet, rely on what acquired support of city garrison forces in the province?
At seven emperor the son save host with the sea spring personal status to everywhere garrison forces release the time of summoning the order, an a bolt from the blue, seven emperor son to split silly,Beats by Dre Just Beats.
The soldier of Kang Si distinctly invades sea spring province!
A day inside, the several county mansions of the sea spring conjunction seashore arrowses didn't shoot a , a see the soldier of Kang Si surrendering.
"Is this what is the row? the loyal to that complete nonsense Du soldier compare loyal to I this emperor's clan expensive Zhou O.K.? why don't they resist?"
Seven emperor the son is full is cut up rough again full is doubt, he isn't really understand.
To say rank the Kang Si is fantastic is center ordination of positive card Du soldier, oneself be positive the card emperor's son!Is qualified for to become emperor's son of emperor!A minister, a gentleman, who Gao who low, see at a glance!
Both parties all have 10 tens of thousands troopses, while Kang Si's connecting an eastern regionses of seashore province don't thoroughly occupy, but oneself own a province, contrast like this hang extremely, how still let those county mansions choose to go and live with Kang Si?
The Yin that that white wheat flour needs not soft middle age sighed tone, way:"His highness, the Kang Si has three evil military commands, is a world to all know of ……Article 1, don't accept to surrender the city defense of daring to die the holdout, break city future reunion to annihilate a city revenge.
"Article 2, is but any and the soldier soldier of the Kang Si soldier belligerence, once being vanquished, these soldier soldier's whole families are old little will devaluate for the slave.The last, but the people of any Kang Si soldier occupied territory, if have no before fighting with help the soldier of Kang Si in the war, so post-war, these people will all devaluate for than the slave tall first-degree mean people ……
"Because the soldier of Kang Si contains ability and also talk to necessarily go at the same time of carry out these three military commands,Beats Solo HD, so need not strange those county mansionses will not fight but decline."
"E, has the awe dint of the Kang Si already come to a situation like this? not is say that he just controls a piece of small site of? how may he own thus big power and influence?" seven emperor the son Be full to is shocked Ya however make a noise.
"Who does his highness be to listen to to say? although the Kang Si soldier site is small, in province in the seashore, and then have who dare to provoke him?" middle age Piao seven emperor the son is one eye, it is mild to say very.
Seven emperor the son is that the very embarrassed piece open mouth, he always can not say is listen to those maid's gossips just break to settle like this of?
"The his highness please early make decision, although the Kang Si can't kill you, affirmation will you send to emperors to all go of, after all he the personal status of those two Du soldier in the provinces is all what emperors appoint after legal procedure." middle age lightly says.
"I, what decision should I make?" seven emperor the son have a little dismay and a little bit be fond of Mang.
The middle age says very at will:"Is easy, declared to welcome Kang Si to serve as the sea spring Du soldier one job to go, like this and not only let the Kang Si can not send you to walk, can also provoke emperors all prince's relationship with Kang Si.
In fact, if the Kang Si is a person who has no greed, have him the words of support, will the his highness on the contrary more easily reach a wishes."
Seven emperor in the middle of the son heart Peng however move, but still keep having some asking of worrieses:"Can not beat?"
The middle age corner of mouth peeped out a smiling face:"You have to city in the province a support that travels regiment, remember, just support."
Seven the emperor's sub- facial expression changed to change and finally sighed tone to say:"That put~to the trouble you welcome the news that the Kang Si takes office a Du soldier to spread to go to, hoping this Kang Si is the person whom a doesn't have the greed."
Nature, this just comforts oneself, basic no one will believe, and a warlord that advertises for a war everywhere is the person whom a doesn't have the greed.
"Is, please a his highness sorting for a while mood, thinking how to face will soon become sea spring seashore two save the Du soldier of actual ruler adult."
Middle age finishes saying, nod to excuse to leave.Seven emperor the son be stimulated by the words of that actual ruler the facial expression greatly change and bite a saying of tooth:"I will think well of!"
Offend into sea spring to save in the soldier of Kang Si, the supplies big department depends on see-going ship and at the time that the region supplied, the road that gets into sea spring province through a steppe became depressed, certainly, this was temporary, once the road fixed, here become the most prosperous main trunk highway right away.
A certain dead hour, a certain drive the for use by the military of Kang Si to bury Kai Er the simple and crude graveyard of soldier corpse especially, a body binds the black tunic of a sharp end takes of dark shadow, so suddenly emitted out.
The mysterious person who don't peep out facial appearance at all, hope boundless concuss tens of thousands graveyards of graves, not from Hey Hey a smile:"The soldier of Kang Si still pretty kind and justice of, incredibly give enemy a corpse is a treatment of grave. not is say the soldier of Kang Si likes to pile up enemy soldier corpse together and build a pyramid? how changed temperament? H'm,Beats Detox, ignore, anyway so more convenience I."
Hear sounds, this is a middle age with a little age, sees he mysteriously take out a circular object from the bosom, then take this object full graveyard of turn indiscriminately, finally stop by the side of a grave.
Cautiously conjecture some kind of after, the mysterious portrait is to order very satisfiedly, after laying up circular object, he takes out a palm to grow two thick long neck bottle of pointings from the bosom, then careful of make the liquid of the bottle drawing a certain pattern like, all pour into this grave.
After laying up a bottle, the mysterious person is a to greatly drink:"Get up!"
But eyes all saw sour, but the grave has no reaction.The mysterious person shouted several voices again and angried of plane grave to open, don't know as well his hands is what do, incredibly list with the hands, can dig to open mud.
Have no skull at the sight of the corpse in the grave, the mysterious person is first nerveless to sit on the ground, then suddenly springs up, loudly scold a way:"Blast it of! this helps a bastard in power, arrive now still like according to the cut-off head theory achievement! this lets this master when just can find out the complete corpse of matching the intention? curse you this to help blamed swine!"
At this time, the distance spreads the clop of a burst of rush, that mysterious person whispering of disaffection 1:"Mama of, all became the Kang Si soldier interior region, the incredibly still all-weather parties person patroled, is full to support of!"
Also disappear how he act, anyway the words fall in, he so naturally integrates into blackness and disappeared.
Please continue to expect a standing alone war absolute being sequel

The second seventh gathers five provinces all the Du chapter 1 solid power warlord
Renew time:2009-2-817:25:57 chapter word numbers:9951

Mainland Li is 1741 year-ends, one is shocked that the news spreads the whole empire from the southeast frontier, the emperors all set up formally of, at present the whole empire only warlord-Kang that own Du soldier title Si.the thunder Lun have no especially and incredibly Zheng trillion's declaring to exercise Du military power dint to the sea spring province.
This news just- spread time, each warlord one 譁 however.
The persons of overwhelming majority all sneer at Kang Si over-confident, this exergue isn't hanging now what identity can exercise what power of, the guy that occupy a bit of site, incredibly covet to annex by force a have already been completely controled several years of province?Completely seek a dead matter.
Can make people surprised BE, control the original empire Jing of sea spring province to have division to the Kang Si this Related articles:

