
Beats by Dre Electroplating the facial expressio

Of from speed of wagon up jump down, quickly caught up thunder Kai and thunder especially 2 people.
Thunder especially, the thunder Kai 2 people's action did model, the empire infantry staying to guard all mostly learns jumping up of appearance horse, the dynasty battlefield rushes through.
Only logistic soldier and a few unlucky eggs stay to control wagon, Wei hero denounce openly in the second wagon, is an among those.
Don't utter a word mutually a text, suddenly act nimble of jump up a horse, gram in Europe immediately the facial expression nervously yell:"Do you run to join in the fun stem what?"
Mutually the text air seriously says:"I want to make the guy of that blast it understand, I am also a strong!"Finish saying and then wear sword to lightly flick, once the bridle pull, horse one hoarse blares and immediately runs about wildly.
Gram Leng in Europe Leng, shake head wry smile of from the language way:"Please, your shape lets you how again strong mostly one spend, that black wolf will take you just strange!"

The eighth gathers dangerous district chapter 2 to meet an old friend away from home
Renew time:2008-9-2414:24:44 chapter word numbers:9712

"I am all right!Don't round here, kill off them for me!"
Receive especially just was shot to break a root breastbone, so soon wide awake, part order the subordinate continue to battle, simultaneously under the help that escort climb last sit to ride.
He took a breather to touch next wound, inwardly scared, if that arrows isn't a good luck of be blocked by the breastbone, afraiding of oneself has already died!Mama of, still isn't a person, wear deeply a personal behind can also shoot so deeply!
Thought of this, receive is not hoped by the dynasty front having a lingering fear to go especially, this sees him immediately silly eye, the brigade of own 1000 people already disorderly set, enemy's soldiers all assaulted to come up personal hand to hand fight, but not that crash in the distance and that dust that cover with, make him understand, that is the enemy's car brigade!
Good heavens!Not is say that the empire soldier only has thousand bearers,Beats by Dre Electroplating?How to still have so one large numbers of reinforcementses?Do they accept the ensign Nu of more than 1000 people?
These not just receive to worry especially of, he most worry of BE, the brigade of own 1000 people, incredibly have 34100 people the brigade stay in the brigade of 100 people that a side visits to shoot, but leaves then with enemy soldier hand to hand fight.
This is no longer the original combat plan, because the 100 people brigade of hand to hand fight is all own confidant, those 34 brigades of 100 people who visit to shoot, then receive the guy that the Yin disobeys to oneself's sun at ordinary times.
Receive blue vein to keep emitting especially, oneself but exploitation and empire soldier assault the opportunity of hand to hand fight and polished off an and oneself not to 100 people of the road brigade, that realizes his/her own intention for guy now and incredibly take advantage o oneself to get hurt without authorization change battle order of sequence?
Mama of, if this continues, even if win, oneself also had no how many soldiers leave, is that etc. map still own by that time?
Thought of this, receive especially immediately to confidant order way:"Let our person withdraw quickly quickly."
"Oneself person?"Confidant tiny tiny one Leng, but soon understand to come over of nod to call BE.
Is a to greatly drink to suddenly resound through horizon, both parties of present belligerence lift once the eye see, strong man's knight who sees 2 raising to greatly chop down knife, took several hundred to ride a soldier to hurtle to come in, the Kang Si was this person's war whoop, made the soldier know come of is an enemy!The morale ineluctability landed just some little.
But two strong men lead over there under, this several 100 people the abnormality fiercely make he or she riding the soldier this place of chop down to fall in the ground, herd the ensign soldier's morale to immediately falter.
BE just preparing a dynasty a herd ensign the soldier rush toward of the black wolf was blocked by a knight, 牠 just thinking start an attack, but after seeing a pure bearer, very quick disdain to of the mouth of Pie Pie, prepare to once round this knight.
Mutually the text sees the appearance of black wolf and cannot help but a roaring of vexation way:"Don't small lo I, I will prove that I am a strong to let you see!"
Say to is a roars, also rather say to is a Nu Chen, in the black wolf eyes flash across one silk you are this sissy facial expression, the milli- ignores mutually a text, the dynasty just targeted of the herding ensign soldier rush toward to go and easily and neatly bite off the throat of herding the ensign soldier.
See the black wolf twist a facial expression for winking, mutually the text is one Leng first, immediately after is a forehead blue vein to keep emitting.
But at this time, a few detections mutually the herding ensign of the text facial appearance soldier, the Ao Ao of one face hasty kind and quality calls to rush toward to come over, just right one belly fire of mutually the text immediately yell 1:"Bean-head!"Brush to flick knife several bottoms, these three herding ensign the soldier flew head, while the face up still keep one face trivial facial expression.
The black wolf obviously didn't expect mutually a text this is incredibly and thus sissy severe, the double eye peeps out shocked air.
Mutually the text understood the facial expression of black wolf, not from satisfiedly say:"Do not see Lao Tze's a woman's kind, think that Lao Tze really is a woman!"
After finishing saying this words, mutually text face a red, the Wu wears a mouth to have a little confused of conjecture everywhere, detection nearby everywhere is grasp to fight, basic no one notices he or she and just clapped center of the chest to loosen tone.
See arrive mutually text this vice- feminization arrive the shape of extremity, the black wolf resumed supercilious air, once the head twist, once the tail jilt and continue to make a pounce upon a moreover a herding ensign soldier.
Mutually the text immediately angries of shout a way:"Bean-head!You this dies wolf!Incredibly still despise me!"Say the plan horse also made track for up.
Is a is pulling bow to take aim at a servant soldier to shoot of receive 1000 people brigade especially 100 men are long, after shooting arrow, suddenly realize that the attack that oneself falls among here is strong up many.
He twists a head four see, wait to see receive have already walked especially to after, and belong to receive several 100 man brigades controling especially to also start the countermarch that the on bed terms enemy entwines, not from immediately Zhang Kou lambaste:"***!Frame up us also need not so obvious?Is incredibly a don't utter and then withdraw?Is dry!You are unkind, I not righteousness, we walk!"
Say, simply the brigade neatly taking to begin next 100 people ran to leave battlefield.
The function of model is huge, that several 100 men that hide in the part to visit to shoot long, a see the associate run, two see thousand man long take his Di fasten in the countermarch, oneself these originally at the person of rear have already been pushed front, immediately two words not said take a person walk.
Immediately originally still stalemated war situation a side poured, especially thunder especially, thunder Kai this of Long Ji Bing after being blunt came in to fight received to also control not to live own Di to fasten especially and saided that the hordes all habitually beat again lead beat, beat however walk, so seeing could not resist and immediately shouted that pulling one is dispersed but escapes.
"Need not make track for shot and immediately sweep battlefield!"The Kang Si sees the enemy collapse,Beats By Dre In Ear, immediately order way, immediately after thought of what of annex order towards issuing on order a soldier again:" The person who helps us, collect the weapon of battlefield and can also run of war horse."
Gram in Europe that has already rushed into big brigade of wagon's catching up smells the speech seeing with half an eye his/her own these people to leave, not from favour proposal way:"Adult, do we want to throw away some supplieses to vacate wagon position to settle a personnel?"
The Kang Si also knows if these people of oneself can take a rest on the wagon, that is absolutely to day and night speed, not from immediately nod to say:"Hand over to you to do, had better let the whole army can embark wagon."
"BE!"Gram in Europe starts calculating to throw away which supplieses just Be getting more worthwhile.
The order that hears Kang Si, everyone knows is what is the row,http://www.beatsbydr4us.com, now be not only so all the way enemy, but the all directionses all have an enemy to rush through to come.
Is understand time is urgent of they, the first matter is to look for his/her own dead and injured personnel, a find out to immediately lift wagon to hand over to a logistic soldier to save to cure.
The second matter is a collections arrows Shi, this is the expendable goods, being made track for these people of oneself of shot can not supply on this big steppe.
But the third matter is also the war horse that the collections can run.
As for those herding ensign that get hurt soldier, then a knife chops down dead, time is urgent lazy to realize these captives.
Looking at subordinate to start busy Kang Si, suddenly realize oneself's bottom of trouser-leg to be pulled and dragged several bottoms and bent over to look below, black wolf positive one face Ao however raising head and chest out of air.
See the air of the black wolf and the blood stain of the corner of mouth, the Kang Si claps the head of black wolf to say with smile:"See to you also sign eminent contribution."
"This wolf has no the eminent contribution that I sign many!" Related articles:

