
http://feeds.feedburner.com/AHvj han 50 riceses R

He impedes with another palm, when this palm be smashed, another palm has already completely condensed.His part replaces useful heavy hand countercheck, part Hao call rush toward to Lin Qi Yu.

Lin Qi Yu's in the mind surprised pole, this guy seems to have a deathless body, how beat to all beat deathless.His in the mind cans not help algidity greatly emitting and urges Jia to collapse to quickly avoid to let, if is rushed toward a body by the ghostly giant, perhaps arrives the energy erosion of canning not hold up against this guy.He feels the real strenght of this ghostly giant is aer lot of than he strong.

China dances Ya none of several people know how participate, the current attack method of Lin Qi Yu they completely don't acquaint with, pure method for using the attack of modern weapon they don't understand, also despise is at the use, so they only etc., if can win, they don't make moves;If Lin Qi Yu fails, they come forward a help again.

Lin Qi Yu is shooting and pondering, this storm flows of the bombload once refitted and flowed with that storm than the past very a lot of, but be like to like this and without a break shoot, also persistence not how long.The storm flows of shoot soon too quick, soon will use up to play metal slice in the box.

The place of radiant boundary biggest, ghostly giant one step's acrossing ten meters are far, also still make track for not last Lin Qi Yu.The Jia collapses to seem to be also know the phantom is stirring severe, his sparing no effort doesn't let the ghostly giant close to with all strength, even need not Lin Qi Yu drives, himself avoids being seen on his own initiative, so Lin Qi Yu need not be diverted, can concentrate on 1 ground dealing with that is huge of guy.

The ghostly giant is also painful unbearable, flowed by metal to tear to pieces a hand each time, all want to expend many energies repair, while metal of the other party blast-off flow to seem to endless endless, he is two or so the big hand have already been torn to pieces for 56 times, but how also grasp not to live that very smooth and slippery guy, spirit he fly into a rage.

Lin Qi Yu knows it in heart, storm's flowing about can also insist for around a minute, play metal slice in the box not much.His in the mind suddenly on moving, not from get dark scolded oneself to faint a head.

On wishing the heart that to shoot medium ghostly giant, so the direction of gunning has been his chest, therefore let the ghostly giant have an opportunity to impedes with the big hand, plus the energy protection that he forms in the palm surroundings, the ghostly giant just insists now, if is the bottom half that shoots ghostly giant, he should be hard to deal with.

Lin Qi Yu suddenly stops gunning and manipulate Jia to collapse to outwardly fly to, shout loudly a way at the same time:"Crow don't make track for!"

The ghostly giant is thoroughly incensed by Lin Qi Yu, he the desperation ground chase to come over.

Lin Qi Yu's in the mind is dark pleased, he doesn't dare to fly a straight line, but let the Jia collapse in the sky round is more curved than flight, so avoided being rushed toward medium danger by the ghostly giant.

His taste often once sweeps ghostly giant those two robust thighs, calculate how to attackstone.

China the dance Ya call way:"Brothers, do we make moves?"

Lin Qi Yu loudly says:"I have a way!You don't want to participate!"

Five uncles shake a head and say to the China dance Ya:"Well big tone,http://feeds.feedburner.com/AHvj, this friend seems to have much of confidence!"

Chapter 8 giant

Five uncles to modern high-tech weapon not very understand, also not know these weapons have much severe, single soldier's weapon of what Lin Qi Yu used just some heavy power, if truely large weapon, ruin a radiant boundary is also an easy to accomplish affair, therefore five uncles not Be optimistic about Lin Qi Yu can vanquish ghostly giant.

The Lin Qi Yu Cong left Cong rightly avoids being seen, the his left hand kinetic energy cannon right hand storm flows and waits for ghostly giant peeping out flaw.

The Jia collapses very clear Lin Qi Yu's idea, he suddenly adds dint to outwardly fly to, ghostly giant too late reaction, the distance was drawn back a while.

The pendency storm of Lin Qi Yu flows of gun muzzle, aim at the thigh of ghostly giant, fiercely according to move to stir up key.

Metal flows the left leg that the in a flash cut off ghostly giant and makes him lose balance to fall flop to the part.

The kinetic energy cannon of Lin Qi Yu's left hand projects the last hair Gao Bao Dan, the ghostly giant can not impede any further and helplessly looking at Gao Bao to play to shoot into chest.

China dances Ya to loudly drink in a side colourful, five uncle the in the mind secretly whisper:"This small guy very calms down, and ……the skill is very deceitful."

Ghostly giant sends out half voice crazy Hao, be tored into numerous fragments by Gao Bao Dan.

Lin Qi Yu after projecting Gao Bao Dan immediately drives Jia to collapse to flee elsewhere to the distance.He once experienced the explosion of monster, knew that trick fierce empty.

Anticipating the medium massive explosion didn't take place, the ghostly giant of ground crack soon re- condensed again, however this condense but become of is a huge a head of monster.

Lin Qi Yu turns head to see, not from get strange call a way:"?This trick beats deathless?"

The Jia collapses in Lin Qi Yu's in the mind to satisfiedly say:"Certainly beating is deathless, our biggest skills are to spread a form, Ning form, you just destroyed one of his appearance, he canned also ask for help of the living creature coagulation that gobbled up before to take shape, wanted to thoroughly exterminate he is almost impossible, unless ……" he suddenly stopped to no longer keep on saying.

Lin Qi Yu's curiosity is together collapsed by the Jia to hang up, heart way:"BE what?Unless what?Oh ……so that's why."

He collapses with Jia of exchanges outsider is can not see clearly, just the exchanges Jia like this collapses to a little bit suffer a los.

Both originally can understand mutually, but after thinking contact was broken off with hand by Lin Qi Yu, became Jia to collapse to bare his/her own thought unilaterally, as long as Lin Qi Yu has heart, the Jia collapses to regardless think what, can be read by Lin Qi Yu, collapse to feel not very great to this Jia.

The Jia collapses although read in the heart don't speak in the exchanges why, what he thoughts of has already been probed by Lin Qi Yu.

This formation that involves to the phantom, the phantom is from the smallest and weak time since, continuously gobble up than their small and weak living creatures, then gradually strengthen, they not only gobble up different, but also gobble up the same kind, unless their real strenght is equal.Once gobbling up mankind, they became the most severe ghostly person.

Exterminate a ghostly person then anti- to carry on, destroy one of his appearance, equal to make him deteriorate one-step, wait to weaken to certain extent, can gobble up him with the energy that the Jia collapses, let him thoroughly disappear, this is the way that the Jia collapses.

Certainly, if have never lived on phantom help, can not thoroughly destroy them.

Phantom as long as canning succeed in escaping, can continue to evolve, which feared an end of appearance, the energy can not condense to take shape, they will also turn to make numerous energy broken bitses to drill into underground dormancy.

All of a piece of energies are a seed each time, they wait for an opportunity, once gobbling up a small and weak life, the whole restart again, therefore they are truely deathless clans.

Lin Qi Yu's in the mind pretty much admires evolution ability like this and gobbles up a life each time, equaled to increase a life for oneself, this kind of evolution appearance was really astonishing.

That ghostly giant has already deteriorated into a ghostly huge monster.Lin Qi Yu frightenedly urges Jia to collapse to run quickly and wishes:"Good heavens, the in this world Jing has a so big monster ……impending!Does this how beat to just go?"The in the mind thinks and shouts a way in mouth:"Crow eldest brother, what trick is that ?"

China's dancing Ya, five uncles and cousins all has already backed distance, he Yang track:"I also see for the first time!Don't know this is what things ……"

Five uncle Hun the thick voice ring out:"That is the prairie fire Xi, growth's monster in red fire magma district, will spray fire of ……"

The prairie fire Xi foot of ghostly incarnation contains long more than 50 riceses.

Real prairie fire Xi biggestly also can't more than 15 meters, but phantom as long as the energy is ample and then can attain this length, even larger more robust.If not that drive Lin Qi Yu's shot is ground an appearance, this phantom return ability incarnation 70 several rices grow of super large prairie fire Xi.

A fire of steaming hot flows a body from the prairie fire Xi up send forth, and the temperature is more and more high, he the plant of body week quickly wither away under the heat, a way fire flows vacillating flow on his body.Lin Qi Yu's in the mind is shock, the energy of phantom unexpectedly ability perfectly emulation heat and flame.

The shape of prairie fire Xi is very exaggerated, he with Xi grant don't relate to, the body visiting is like a snake very much and have one on the spine row sharp red bone sting, as if one lieutenant the gun sort stick out upward, a piece of piece of of the black scales and shell has wash basin size, the body side has big red a line of rim of bowls fire bore, ever and anon have flame from in spew out.

There is the long mouth in black in the head, while opening peep out closely quick of speech, a bulky point sting grows on the forehead, constantly outwardly flexible.

China the dance Ya call way:"Brothers come over quickly."

Lin Qi Yu drives Jia to collapse to fly to three Human body a side and asks a way:"Is this trick severe

